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Welcome Coach Lott 2011-12 School Year. Coach Lott Graduated from East Jefferson High School in 1986 Worked in construction and insurance fields before.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Coach Lott 2011-12 School Year. Coach Lott Graduated from East Jefferson High School in 1986 Worked in construction and insurance fields before."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Coach Lott 2011-12 School Year

2 Coach Lott Graduated from East Jefferson High School in 1986 Worked in construction and insurance fields before entering college in 1995. Graduated from University of New Orleans in 2000 with degree in Education. Major in Social Studies with minor in Biology. Coaches Cross-country and Basketball Just got married in July 2011.

3 P.B.I.S See rules on the board Also includes the uniform policy No personal electronic devices are allowed in our classrooms. Must only use your blue pass when leaving the class.

4 Discipline Policies Warning Parental Contact Behavior Report Lunch Time Detention Suspension

5 Grading You will be graded on all material that you do in my class. There is a participation grade that represents 33% of your grade in the 1 st and 3 rd nine weeks and 25% of your grade in the 2 nd and 4 th nine weeks. This includes journals, participation, homework, and etc.

6 Grading cont. Your test scores will represent 67% of your grade in the 1 st and 3 rd nine weeks and 50% of your grade in the 2 nd and 4 th nine weeks. Your test grade includes chapter tests, quizzes, and projects. You will have an exam in the 2 nd and 4 th nine weeks and that will represent 25% of your grade.

7 Grading Scale We will use the Jefferson Parish Grading Scale. 100-93 A (4.0 to 3.5) 92-85 B (3.4 to 2.5) 84-75 C (2.4-1.5) 74-67 D (1.4-1.0) 66- 0 F (.9 – 0 )

8 What do I need for this class. Three-ring binder with loose leaf paper. We will keep all assignments in the binder. Ink pens, pencils, colored pencils. Strong work ethic and good attitude.

9 Starting an Unit You will be given a syllabus listing all the GLE’s and Vocabulary for that Unit. Each chapter from the book will be listed. All vocabulary and test dates will be listed on the syllabus. We will refer to the GLE’s as we cover them.

10 Typical Day in Class Start with a Daily Journal ( Topic on the Board). Write a one to two paragraph opinion. Introduce the Lesson with the corresponding GLE. Two or more activities, etc to teach the topic. Summary and evaluation.

11 Misc. There is a class fee of $5.00 Make checks out to East Jefferson High School or Cash. Make sure you receive a receipt from me. You are responsible for your textbook at all times. Please put your name in it as soon as you receive it. You are responsible for making up work when you are absent. Please see me as soon as you return to school for missing assignment.

12 Honors Honors students are required to read and analyze one supplemental book each nine weeks; and Participate in the Social Studies Fair on March 12, 2012 which requires individuals or groups to: 1. write a research paper 2. complete a physical display, and 3. make an oral presentation on the project.

13 Extra-curricular Activities Please get involved in one or more of the activities that East Jefferson High School provides. If you see me at an extra-curricular activity please come and see me for some extra points. (Good-decision dollars)

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