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Use of Mobile Technology for Data Collection in Zimbabwe Experiences Gained and Lessons Learnt By Rodgers M. Sango Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency.

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Presentation on theme: "Use of Mobile Technology for Data Collection in Zimbabwe Experiences Gained and Lessons Learnt By Rodgers M. Sango Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency."— Presentation transcript:

1 Use of Mobile Technology for Data Collection in Zimbabwe Experiences Gained and Lessons Learnt By Rodgers M. Sango Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency (ZIMSTAT) Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: 13 to 16 October 2015.

2 Experiences Gained TRI not properly scrutinised prior to recommendation But NSO currently working alone. Current Status: Used PDAs for ZDHS data collection Had initially identified local leaders’ secretaries as enumerators since all of them are literate, at least secondary level of education. But stopped before training them. No experience gained.

3 Experiences Gained Existing Enumerators are collecting CPS data using tablets. The current setup is made up of NSO staff only. Work is going on well. Procurement: Hand held computers procured hurriedly to keep up with the project implementation time table. Limited choices explored.

4 Experiences Gained Using existing indicators which were incorporated into the newly developed system. Prepared a user manual training. Currently preparing a technical manual. Data being sent to the server from the field. Data being collected includes geographical coordinates. ZDHS data collection system is sending data to a cloud server, from the field.

5 Experiences Gained CSPro Android training: Zimbabwe was represented by two persons. Lessons learnt were and are still being implemented. ZDHS data tablets use Windows operating system. Data collection is going on well, though sending to server always require the availability of connectivity. Sometimes enumerators have to wait for connectivity. Acceptability by respondents is a challenge sometimes.

6 Lessons Learnt Capacity Building Speed of Data Collection Cost Reduction Data Cleaning Geographical Location System Update Power Supply Training of Enumerators Population Census Undertaking

7 Capacity Building Develop CAPI data entry systems Configure Tablets to communicate with server Configure server to receive data Incorporate consistency checks to fix errors during data collection Ability to capture geographical coordinates of data collection site Ready to apply the experience to the population census

8 Speed up processes System sends data to server Checks errors during data collection Eliminates data entry phase, there by reducing time Eliminates questionnaire despatch and recovery time Fast access to electronic records as compared to paper Processing can be done cumulatively, there by making results available soon after data collection.

9 Cost Reduction Although original cost is high; Cost of despatching and recovering questionnaires is eliminated Cost of editing is reduced Cost of data entry eliminated Never run out of questionnaires

10 Cost Reduction (continued) Cost of paper for questionnaires is removed Cost of printing questionnaires is removed System updates are distributed simultaneously electronically. Cost of labour force is reduced. Cost of storing questionnaires before and after data collection.

11 Data Cleaning Consistency checks are incorporated into the data capture system hence errors are checked on site during interviews Little editing by supervisors or none at all. This renders some supervisors redundant.

12 Geo-Coding Geographical coordinates are picked up by the tablet and deposited into the respective field. No need for using a separate GPS where the coordinates are written on the questionnaire only to be entered into the computer. Transcription errors minimised.

13 System Updating System maintenance is done centrally by the system developers The modified system is installed on the server Message is sent to the data collectors to download an update. Update is done simultaneously at no cost

14 Power Supply Normal household electricity supply Solar chargers Power banks Car chargers A combination of any of the above Depended much on urban/rural

15 Enumerator Training Some people are using smartphones Others are using bank Automated Teller Machines (ATM) No body has ever gone to a training workshop on how to use either smartphones or ATMs This made training on how to use tablets for data collection easy.

16 Enumerator Training (continued) Training on protection against physical damage or viruses was also easy. Easier than paper questionnaire; skips are automatic and errors are flagged for correction on site. Language of interview changed as and when required.

17 Population Census Undertaking After this project; We are now confident to use the technology on any data collection undertaking. Including the population census

18 Thank You

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