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Mbombela Climate Change Workshop 2 5 November 2015 Civic Centre Hall, Mbombela.

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Presentation on theme: "Mbombela Climate Change Workshop 2 5 November 2015 Civic Centre Hall, Mbombela."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mbombela Climate Change Workshop 2 5 November 2015 Civic Centre Hall, Mbombela

2 Workshop Agenda ITEMTIME Chair 1) Welcome and introductions 9:00-9:15Deputy MM & Warrick Stewart 2) Workshop objectives & project overview 9:15-9:25 Warrick Stewart 3) Summary of Phase 1 Policy Workshop 9:25-9:40 Victoria Braham 4) Brief overview of Draft Policy Document 9:40-10:00 Paul Jorgensen 5) Case studies of local climate change responses 10:00-11:00 Various 6) Tea 11:00-11:15 All participants 7) MLM “Vulnerability Framework” 11:15-11:30 Paul Jorgensen 8) Strategy development 11:30-13:30 All participants 9) Way forward13:30-14:00 Warrick Stewart 10) Close and Lunch14:00-15:00All participants

3 CASE STUDIES AND ACTIONS DEA, MLM, SANTAM, SRK 5 November 2015 Civic Centre Hall, Mbombela

4 CASE STUDY: Boloka Metsi The Emfuleni Water Conservation Project Accessed 3 Nov 2015: Fred Goede 5 November 2015 Civic Centre Hall, Mbombela

5 Purpose of this Presentation  Rationale for industry involvement  The domestic sector opportunity  Designing the project  Targeted areas and process  Awareness and sustainability  Results!

6 Rationale for industry involvement A reliable supply of fresh water is crucial for Sasol’s industrial processes- potential scarcity and regulatory risks As a very large water user the responsibility for improving and optimizing own water use within their operations is the number one priority for Sasol However, significantly reducing water demand from direct operations would not impact catchment much to mitigate water risk Domestic sector water savings has greater and more sustainable impact to preserve water Also helps surrounding communities to become more financially viable More community benefit can arise if industry helps communities save water

7 The domestic sector opportunity Situational analyses showed the domestic sector, inter alia, was losing large quantities of fresh water. One of the biggest issues the municipalities are faced with is the resultant large financial losses suffered. Furthermore, all the municipalities in the Vaal River catchment had already been directed by the DWA to reduce their water use by 15% by 2015. To achieve this a new, innovative approach was needed. Domestic water losses cost municipalities big money losses

8 Designing the project The Emfuleni Water Conservation Project (Project Boloka Metsi - “Save Water” in Sotho) initiated in 2011 Sasol signed MOU with the Emfuleni Local Municipality and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH (on behalf of the German, British and Australian governments) regarding a water conservation and demand management project It is a water leak reduction project in partnership with others to address shared water risks. Sasol committed R5 million to the Boloka Metsi project and leveraged a further R5 million through partner funding (GIZ). A successful outcome of the Project will reduce the Municipality’s annual water expenses by approximately R62 million, of which a portion will be ploughed back into sustaining the project and in turn facilitating continued savings. A partnership of R 10 million can result in R 62 million savings: annually!

9 Targeted areas and process Sebokeng and Evaton were selected as the designated project area High levels of minimum night flows (MNF) in the supply as well as in the waste water systems. This signified high usage in off peak times indicating household as well as distribution system leaks. Area comprised of 73 766 properties with app. 114 797 households representing a population of 396 826 Established a baseline water use for the area, installed bulk sector flow metering where required; improved the accuracy of the water balance and identifying priority areas for leak repairs. 400 000 people are targeted to benefit from the project

10 Awareness and sustainability A key success factor was raising awareness of water as a scarce resource Water Conservation Warriors were appointed in each ward Water conservation education and awareness programs launched on issues such as water-wise gardening and information on how to repair household leaks Development community by training local labour and supporting existing local community plumbing businesses through preferential procurement practices. Water warriors helped create a sustainable business to maintain benefits

11 Results! Up to March 2014, the team of 60 plumbers have visited 54 060 properties and completed plumbing repairs in 96 294 homes and 76 schools. The 26 Water Warriors distributed education material and created awareness of water conservation amongst 91 593 households. This is the power of collective action and the results speak for themselves Water warriors

12 Stakeholder liaison Victoria Braham 011 441 1111 Questions or comments? Contact information

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