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Youth Unemployment in Estonian Gertha Teidla-Kunitsõn Nikolai Kunitsõn NGO Forum Theatre 28 th of October 2015 Vilnius, Lithuania

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Presentation on theme: "Youth Unemployment in Estonian Gertha Teidla-Kunitsõn Nikolai Kunitsõn NGO Forum Theatre 28 th of October 2015 Vilnius, Lithuania"— Presentation transcript:

1 Youth Unemployment in Estonian Gertha Teidla-Kunitsõn Nikolai Kunitsõn NGO Forum Theatre 28 th of October 2015 Vilnius, Lithuania

2 Legal Issues One can start working at age of 7 Fields of working Working times Free days and vacation Compulsory school attendance

3 Social Benefits Support for unemployment Scholarship Support for travel and accommodation Unemployment insurance

4 Youth Guarantee Implementation Plan The Youth Guarantee Implementation Plan (YGIP) describes activities planned by the Ministry of Social Affairs and by the Ministry of Education and Research, describes roles of different organizations related to Youth Guarantee implementation, provides information about implementation timetable and assessment of the results.

5 Youth Unemployment Rate 2008 – 12% 2008 – 5.6% 2010 – 33% 2010 – 16.7% 2013 – 18,7% 2013 – 8,6% 2014 – 15% 2014 – 7,4% (approximately 8400 youngsters)

6 Activities Preventing Youth Unemployment Measures supporting the preparation of young people for working life and coping on the labour market have been targeted to: 1) improving the quality of education, supporting the successful study experience and bringing those who have dropped out back to education; 2) improving the skills and knowledge of young people through youth work; 3) systematic development of career services; 4) offering labour market services to unemployed young people.

7 Partnership approaches Name of OrganizationType of OrganizationScopeRole at Implementing the Youth Guarantee Ministry of Social Affairs state authoritynational Formulates labour market politics. Coordinates and takes responsibility for the planning and implementation of Youth Guarantee activities. Ministry of Education and Research state authoritynational Formulates educational and youth policies. Is responsible for developing and implementing the Youth Guarantee activities that are in the Ministry’s sphere of activity. Estonian National Youth Council NGOnationalRepresents youth and forwards their opinions/attitudes. Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fundlegal person in public lawnationalOffers labour market services and benefits. Estonian Youth Work Centre institution governed by the Ministry of Education and Research nationalDirects and organizes youth work in the framework of national youth policy. Association of Estonian Open Youth CentresNGOnationalOffer youth work services on the local government level. The Labour Inspectorate of Estonia institution governed by the Ministry of Social Affairs nationalEnhances the quality of labour sphere via supervision and public awareness raising. Estonian Employers’ ConfederationNGOnationalRepresents entrepreneurship and employers. National forum for career and study counselling services Foundation Innove working groupnationalSystematically develops career services and regional cooperation.

8 Early intervention and activation Name of ActivityObjectivesTarget Group Responsible Organization and Partners Implementation Time Scale Cost 1) PES workshops introducing labour market and working life Raising the awareness of young people about labour market, preparation for planning a career or looking for a job, and what are the possibilities to get labour market related help, if such a need arises. Students from grades 8-12 Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund 2015-20101.18 million euros 2) Supporting young people at entering the labour market, and coping there - Preventing exclusion of young people - Increasing young people’s awareness about working life and supporting entrepreneurship of young people via youth work; - Cooperation with employers to take the skills and experience of young people acquired in youth work into better consideration. Young people aged 7-26 Ministry of Education and Research 2015-2020 8,71 million euros 3) Supportive measures for NEET youth that help to bring them back to education and/or the labour market - Increasing knowledge to understand the situation of NEET youth better; - Supporting NEET youth return to education or entry into the labour market; - Offering individual support programmes for NEET youth in the difficult situation. NEET youth aged 15-26Ministry of Education and Research 2015-2020 7.79 million euros For the period 2015-2020

9 Supportive measures for labour market integration Name of ActivityObjectivesTarget GroupScope Responsible Organization and Partners Implementation Time ScaleCost Service “My First Job“ Decreasing youth unemployment by helping young people with little or no work experience and no specialised training into the labour market. Young people aged 17-29 and registered as unemployed, who have little or no work experience and no specialised training (i.e. have basic, secondary, or upper secondary education), and who have been registered as unemployed at the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund for at least 4 months. nationalEstonian Unemployment Insurance Fund 2015-202018.9 million euros For the period 2015-2020

10 Assessment and continuous improvement of schemes Name of Activity Expected Change / Result What Means are Used to Measure ResultsInformation Source / Planned Evaluations 1) Workshops introducing the labour market for young people 1,676 workshops held. Workshops’ registration data in the Unemployment Insurance Fund database. Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund monitoring data. 2) Supporting the entry of young people to the labour market, and coping there 70% of participants (aged 15-26) in services have acquired knowledge and skills raising their employment- readiness. Sampling survey is conducted among the participants of services. Sampling survey of participants. 3) Beginning supportive measures for the NEET youth, supporting the return of these young people to education and/or successful entry to the labour market 55% of NEET youth (aged 15-26) who participated at the supportive measures are, in 6 months following the activities, no longer in the NEET youth status. Analysing data in the Estonian Education Information System and registers of the Estonian Tax and Customs Board. Survey of participants at the supportive measures targeted to the NEET youth, twice during the period. Data in the registers of the Estonian Education Information System and the Estonian Tax and Customs Board. Survey of participants. 4) Service “My First Job “ 70% of participants are in employment 6 months after the service. Data from the Estonian Tax and Customs Board about receiving a salary. Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund monitoring data.

11 20-29 years old unemployed with lower education Problem in EU Reasons Theory of line-up


13 Reasons Economic crisis Jobs with less knowledge Working abroad

14 Used materials: Noorteseire 2013 - JhYW1hdDIwMTNmaW5hbC5wZGY/15_09_07_653_Noorteseire_aastaraamat2013final.pdf Statistikaamet - JhYW1hdDIwMTNmaW5hbC5wZGY/15_09_07_653_Noorteseire_aastaraamat2013final.pdf Statistikaameti uuringud - Statistikameti teenused - Praxis - Eesti Statistika aastaraamat - Noorte töötus (29.04.15 ) - Eesti madalaima haridusega noored tööturul Pagulased ja töötus - 15.09. 15 - Mõõdukas majanduskasv Eestis - 11.09.15 - Töötukassa eelarve 2015 - Eurostat -

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