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VISION 2020 NYC COMPREHENSIVE WATERFRONT PLAN This material was prepared for the New York State Department of State, with funds provided under Title 11.

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Presentation on theme: "VISION 2020 NYC COMPREHENSIVE WATERFRONT PLAN This material was prepared for the New York State Department of State, with funds provided under Title 11."— Presentation transcript:

1 VISION 2020 NYC COMPREHENSIVE WATERFRONT PLAN This material was prepared for the New York State Department of State, with funds provided under Title 11 of the Environmental Protection Fund MACOORA OCT. 28, 2010

2 VISION 2020 NEW YORK CITY COMPREHENSIVE WATERFRONT PLAN VISION 2020 – Six Goals Expand public access to the waterfront and waterways and enliven the waterfront with attractive uses. Support economic development on the working waterfront. Restore degraded natural waterfronts and protect wetlands and shoreline habitats and improve the environmental quality of our waterbodies. Enhance the public experience of the blue network by expanding waterborne transportation, in water recreation, and water-oriented educational and cultural activities. Increase the city’s resilience to climate change and projected sea level rise. Increase efficiency of waterfront construction and operations.

3 3 Project Schedule Bronx Workshop, May 12th

4 4 Resilience Planning Already Underway PlaNYC (2007) New York City Panel on Climate Change –Climate Risk Information (2009) –Climate Change Adaptation in New York City: Building a Risk Management Response (2010) NYC Climate Change Task Force –Critical infrastructure assessment (forthcoming)

5 5 Implication of Climate Change The Natural Waterfront The Working Waterfront The Public Waterfront The Mixed-Use Commercial and Residential Waterfront

6 6 Potential Strategies for Building Climate Resilience Retreat Protection Accommodation Other –Insurance –Event response and emergency management –Innovative strategies Photo courtesy Architecture Research Office

7 7 Evaluating Strategies Risk-based approach that considers costs and benefits Identify research needed to evaluate the effectiveness of each strategy Benefits and drawbacks of each approach –Consequences for other parts of the City and region –Public access –Ecological health –Co-benefits

8 8 Draft Recommendations Conduct a citywide strategic planning process for climate resilience: Outreach to a range of stakeholders, highlight efforts to assess the risks, costs, and potential solutions for building climate resilience. Outline an ongoing risk-based planning process that can take advantage of new information and projections as they become available.

9 9 Sample of Draft Recommendations Explore a range of options that can be used where appropriate to protect against sea level rise and storm surges: Design waterfront infrastructure with anticipation of sea level rise. Explore changes to building codes and zoning for waterfront areas to improve resilience of new buildings to coastal flooding and storm surges. Create structural protection measures to protect waterfront areas and utility and transportation infrastructure from water damage. Identify strategies for retrofitting of existing buildings to protect from flooding.

10 10 Planning for Resilience Building resilience can be the impetus for transforming the waterfront in ways that can make the city not only more resilient but also more healthy, prosperous, and livable.

11 VISION 2020 NYC COMPREHENSIVE WATERFRONT PLAN This material was prepared for the New York State Department of State, with funds provided under Title 11 of the Environmental Protection Fund MACOORA OCT. 28, 2010

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