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Women’s Roles in Non-economic Activities Using Time Use Surveys in Thailand 3 rd Global Forum on Gender Statistics 10-13 October 2010Manila, Philippines.

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Presentation on theme: "Women’s Roles in Non-economic Activities Using Time Use Surveys in Thailand 3 rd Global Forum on Gender Statistics 10-13 October 2010Manila, Philippines."— Presentation transcript:

1 Women’s Roles in Non-economic Activities Using Time Use Surveys in Thailand 3 rd Global Forum on Gender Statistics 10-13 October 2010Manila, Philippines ESA/STAT/AC.219/32 Oarawan Suttangkul Bongkoj Wibultananun Wichan Choorat National Statistical Office (NSO) of Thailand

2 Non-economic activities  Definition Work, services or activities: – without monetary remunerations, – for household members, other households or community 2

3 Non-economic activities (cont.)  Group of activities for analysis – Group 1: Household maintenance, management and shopping for own household – Group 2: Care for children, the sick, elderly and disabled for own household – Group 3: Community services and help to other household  Data sources - The Time Use Surveys 2001 and 2004 3

4 2009 - All day activities - Prepare time every 10 minutes -Main and second activities (5 digits) - Represent (Whole kingdom, Region) 2004 - All day activities - Prepare time every 10 minutes -Main and Second activities (3 digits) - Represent (Whole Kingdom, Region) 2001 - All day activities - Main Activities (2 digits) - Represent (Whole Kingdom, Region) Historical development of Time Use Survey in Thailand (On data cleaning process) International classification of activities for Time-Use Statistics (ICATUS) 4

5 Average time of respondents aged 10 yrs and over by activities group Non-economic activities (hours per day) 5

6 % Population by sex Share of non-economic activities between 2001 and 2004 Group 1: Household maintenance, management and shopping for own household Group 2: Care for children, the sick, elderly and disabled for own household Group 3: Community services and help to other household 2001 2004 6

7 Average time use for non-economics by sex and activities (hours per day) 7

8 Group1: Household maintenance, management and shopping for own household % Population by sex among different activities 2001 2004 8

9 Group2: Care for children, the sick, elderly and disabled for own household % Population by sex among different activities 2001 2004 9

10 Group3: Community services and help to other household % Population by sex among different activities 2001 2004 10

11 Conclusions and policy recommendations Women participated in non-economic activities more than men, especially household services and care for household members. To reduce gender inequity, both economic and non- economic activities should be equally addressed. Non-economic activities, should be included in the GDP estimation. Need campaign to change social attitude, especially men, on sharing responsibility in non-economic activities. 11

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