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Opening the Scriptures! Three Year Study thru the Bible Daily Reading - Bookmark available in the back Weekly Study – on Wednesday nights at 6:30 This.

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Presentation on theme: "Opening the Scriptures! Three Year Study thru the Bible Daily Reading - Bookmark available in the back Weekly Study – on Wednesday nights at 6:30 This."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opening the Scriptures! Three Year Study thru the Bible Daily Reading - Bookmark available in the back Weekly Study – on Wednesday nights at 6:30 This week: Daniel 1-6 Jesus expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself … And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures Luke 24:27,45


3 740700680720730710690670 Pekah Pekahiah Hoshea 722 bc Assyrian Captivity Ten Tribes of Israel Jotham Ahaz Hezekiah Manasseh 640600540580560590570550610620630 650660 Amon Josiah Jehoahaz Jeoiakim Jehoiachin Zedekiah Babylonian Captivity 586bc Jeremiah Daniel Ezekiel Isaiah


5 Even if these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they would deliver only themselves by their righteousness,” says the Lord God. Ezekiel 14:14

6 The Personal History of Daniel (1–6) Ch 1–Dan in Babylon Ch 2–Neb’s Dream Ch 3–Fiery Furnace Ch 4–Neb Testimony Ch 5–Writing on Wall Ch 6–The Lions’ Den Outline of Daniel

7 The Personal History of Daniel (1–6) Purposed Heart Ch 1– Dan in Babylon– Purposed Heart Ch 2–Neb’s Dream Ch 3–Fiery Furnace Ch 4–Neb Testimony Ch 5–Writing on Wall Ch 6–The Lions’ Den Outline of Daniel

8 Thus King Rehoboam…did evil, because he did not prepare his heart to seek the Lord. 2 Chronicles 12:13-14

9 When he came and had seen the grace of God, he was glad, and encouraged them all that with purpose of heart they should continue with the Lord. Acts 11:23

10 The Personal History of Daniel (1–6) Purposed Heart Ch 1– Dan in Babylon– Purposed Heart Ch 2–Neb’s Dream Ch 3–Fiery Furnace Ch 4–Neb Testimony Ch 5–Writing on Wall Ch 6–The Lions’ Den Outline of Daniel

11 The Personal History of Daniel (1–6) Purposed Heart Ch 1– Dan in Babylon– Purposed Heart Prayerful Opportunity Ch 2–Neb’s Dream – Prayerful Opportunity Ch 3–Fiery Furnace Ch 4–Neb Testimony Ch 5–Writing on Wall Ch 6–The Lions’ Den Outline of Daniel

12 BABYLON 605 – 539 BC PERSIA 539 – 331 BC GREECE 331 - 168 BC ROME 168 BC – AD 476 DIVIDED KINGDOM ?– 2 nd Coming Gap

13 The Personal History of Daniel (1–6) Purposed Heart Ch 1– Dan in Babylon– Purposed Heart Prayerful Opportunity Ch 2–Neb’s Dream – Prayerful Opportunity Ch 3–Fiery Furnace Ch 4–Neb Testimony Ch 5–Writing on Wall Ch 6–The Lions’ Den Outline of Daniel


15 The Personal History of Daniel (1–6) Purposed Heart Ch 1– Dan in Babylon– Purposed Heart Prayerful Opportunity Ch 2–Neb’s Dream – Prayerful Opportunity Ch 3–Fiery Furnace Ch 4–Neb Testimony Ch 5–Writing on Wall Ch 6–The Lions’ Den Outline of Daniel

16 The Personal History of Daniel (1–6) Purposed Heart Ch 1– Dan in Babylon– Purposed Heart Prayerful Opportunity Ch 2–Neb’s Dream – Prayerful Opportunity Positive Influence Ch 3–Fiery Furnace – Positive Influence Ch 4–Neb Testimony Ch 5–Writing on Wall Ch 6–The Lions’ Den Outline of Daniel

17 The Personal History of Daniel (1–6) Purposed Heart Ch 1– Dan in Babylon– Purposed Heart Prayerful Opportunity Ch 2–Neb’s Dream – Prayerful Opportunity Positive Influence Ch 3–Fiery Furnace – Positive Influence Positioned Witness Ch 4–Neb Testimony – Positioned Witness Ch 5–Writing on Wall Ch 6–The Lions’ Den Outline of Daniel

18 The Personal History of Daniel (1–6) Purposed Heart Ch 1– Dan in Babylon– Purposed Heart Prayerful Opportunity Ch 2–Neb’s Dream – Prayerful Opportunity Positive Influence Ch 3–Fiery Furnace – Positive Influence Positioned Witness Ch 4–Neb Testimony – Positioned Witness Bold Incorruptibility Ch 5–Writing on Wall– Bold Incorruptibility Ch 6–The Lions’ Den Outline of Daniel

19 The Personal History of Daniel (1–6) Purposed Heart Ch 1– Dan in Babylon– Purposed Heart Prayerful Opportunity Ch 2–Neb’s Dream – Prayerful Opportunity Positive Influence Ch 3–Fiery Furnace – Positive Influence Positioned Witness Ch 4–Neb Testimony – Positioned Witness Bold Incorruptibility Ch 5–Writing on Wall– Bold Incorruptibility Spiritual Consistency Ch 6–The Lions’ Den – Spiritual Consistency Outline of Daniel

20 “I can plod. I can persevere… To this I owe everything.” William Carey (1761-1834) was an English Protestant missionary and Baptist minister, known as the ‘father of modern missions’. Carey was one of the founders of the Baptist Missionary Society. As a missionary in Serampore, India, he translated the Bible into Bengali, Sanskrit, and numerous other languages and dialects.

21 The Personal History of Daniel (1–6) Purposed Heart Ch 1– Dan in Babylon– Purposed Heart Prayerful Opportunity Ch 2–Neb’s Dream – Prayerful Opportunity Positive Influence Ch 3–Fiery Furnace – Positive Influence Positioned Witness Ch 4–Neb Testimony – Positioned Witness Bold Incorruptibility Ch 5–Writing on Wall– Bold Incorruptibility Spiritual Consistency Ch 6–The Lions’ Den – Spiritual Consistency Outline of Daniel

22 And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. (Ac 2:42) This do….in remembrance of Me.” For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes. (1 Co 11:25-26)









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