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Campaign Finance Giving Notice and Receiving Reports North Carolina State Board of Elections Campaign Finance Office June 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Campaign Finance Giving Notice and Receiving Reports North Carolina State Board of Elections Campaign Finance Office June 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Campaign Finance Giving Notice and Receiving Reports North Carolina State Board of Elections Campaign Finance Office June 2005

2 Giving Notice Maintain a list, spreadsheet and or database of all active committees required to file reports with your office. Include Committee name, Treasurer’s name, address and phone, reports they are required to file, due dates and received dates Maintain a list, spreadsheet and or database of all active committees required to file reports with your office. Include Committee name, Treasurer’s name, address and phone, reports they are required to file, due dates and received dates

3 Giving Notice contd. Look for email notification from the State Board of Elections with sample notice, reminder postcards and additional information related to the reports that are due for that period Look for email notification from the State Board of Elections with sample notice, reminder postcards and additional information related to the reports that are due for that period

4 Giving Notice contd. Send notices out by deadline Notices must be sent no more than fifteen (15) days and no less than five (5) days before each report is due during an odd numbered year (mostly nonpartisan municipal elections) Notices must be sent no more than thirty (30) days and no less than five (5) days before each report is due during an even numbered year (partisan statewide, district and county elections) Keep list of sent notices

5 Receiving Reports Date stamp all reports received Write the received date, postmark date, initials of staff member and method of delivery on Disclosure Report Cover

6 Receiving Reports contd. Maintain all envelopes with reports to verify postmark The option is available for your committees to file electronically with the new software Committees will send report via email, disk, or cd to State Board of Elections and send a signed Disclosure Report Cover Sheet to the County Board of Elections)

7 Receiving Reports contd. Review reports for proper forms, dates covered, committee changes, etc. Assure confidentiality of account numbers (send all CRO-3500 forms to State Board of Elections and darken any account numbers that appear on public copies of reports displayed) Make reports available to the public within 8 hours of receipt (members of the public are allowed to view and make copies of all campaign disclosure reports filed) File reports (each committee should have an individual file) If reports are not received 5 days after the due date a reminder postcard should be sent

8 Delinquent Reports When a committee has not filed a required report by the due date it is delinquent If reports are not received 5 days after the due date a reminder postcard should be sent If a report is not received 15 days after the due date the Certification of Delinquent Reports (ICR-201) should be sent to the State Board of Elections (also place a copy in the file) We will send copies of all correspondence we send to the committee to your office for the file Once the committee files the report you must send the Certification of Late Reports (ICR-202), a copy of the report and envelope to the State Board of Elections as well as place a copy in the file

9 Late Reports Reports that are received after the due date that have a US Postmark dated after the due date are considered late When you receive a report that is late you must send the Certification of Late Reports (ICR-202), a copy of the report and its envelope to the State Board of Elections and place a copy of the form in the committee file

10 Finding Help 2005 County Campaign Finance Procedural Manual 2005 County Campaign Finance Procedural Manual State Board of Elections Campaign Finance Staff (919) 733-7173 2004-2005 Campaign Finance Manual State Board of Elections Website

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