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Green Prefect Election. Duties of green prefects Promote activities of Green Torch to classmates e.g. Green Class Competition Remind classmates to - A)

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Presentation on theme: "Green Prefect Election. Duties of green prefects Promote activities of Green Torch to classmates e.g. Green Class Competition Remind classmates to - A)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Green Prefect Election

2 Duties of green prefects Promote activities of Green Torch to classmates e.g. Green Class Competition Remind classmates to - A) use recycling bins correctly - B) switch off electrical appliances when no one in classroom (lights/ air-conditioners/fans/projectors etc.) Share green tips

3 Lead the class to set up Green Class Policy which is to be posted on Green Corner Give suggestions and lead discussions to have Green Picnic and Green Christmas Give green marks to assigned classes once every two weeks

4 Carry out peer assessment during Christmas celebration (including Christmas board decoration, food remains from Christmas party and utensils used) [green perfects will not assess her own form] Give green marks to Houses on sports day and swimming gala

5 Maintain Green Corner Green Corner consists of: green tips (8 gps / class) Green Class Policy

6 Attend all meetings First meeting on 7 Sept 2010 12.30 – 13.30 at Hall

7 Credits of being Green Prefects Have priority to join activities/service/outings organized by Green Torch Receive Certificate of School Service Award (those who have performed duties well throughout the whole year) at Prize-giving ceremony

8 Have priority to visit site of Solar Panels Monitor the use of air-conditioner Join Green Prefect Camp on 15-16 Oct

9 Before Election Starts… Class Discussion Students  think about necessary qualities of green prefects list out the qualities on the blackboard Make your wise choice - 2 per class

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