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Valerius Meet the Teacher Night September 4 th 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Valerius Meet the Teacher Night September 4 th 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Valerius Meet the Teacher Night September 4 th 2014

2 Teacher Info: Linda Fisher-Resident of Urbandale Family: Husband, Jim, Andrew, Alex, & Allison Hobbies: Biking, Reading, Visiting kids at college Cabin at Clear Lake Spin class and swimming laps

3 Classroom Expectations Our Mission Statement Team Points Clip chart I Messages

4 Reading Benchmarking Beginning of year= D End of 1 st trimester = F End of 2 nd trimester = H End of year = J Leveled Books Sight Words

5 Math Everyday Math Program Problem solving approach based on everyday situations Instructional approach revisits concepts (spirals) Variety of formats to teach basic skills How you can help: - Work with your child on homelinks - Use Everyday Math games at home - Practice counting forwards, backwards, skip counting by 2s, 5s, 10s - Identifying coins and values - Problem solving - Telling time to the hour and half hour

6 Homework Policy and Plan Not graded, please help your child Write a sentence or two, sight words, read to and with, play games. Problem solving in car or while waiting in line,

7 Parent Communication Plan How I will communicate with parents Email Notes home Calendar Newsletters Phone calls Meetings Website

8 Parent Communication Plan How Parents can most easily communicate with me: Email for non-time sensitive needs (24 hour turn around is our goal) Call office for immediate needs (457-6500). During instructional time: Mrs. Mitchell will get a message to the classroom During plan or before/after school: Mrs. Mitchell will transfer a call back to the classroom.

9 Getting involved: Like Valerius on Facebook to get up to date information PTO homeroom parent: (Amy Snyder-Grace’s mom) Parties (dates, themes, activities) Class party Dues ($5) Signing up to help/bring treats T-shirts Directory Volunteer Opportunity Sign-ups PTO meetings Fundraiser Focuses for the year: Short term goal: more iPads Long term goal: continue to save towards playground

10 Getting Involved: PRIMARY FUNDRAISERS Spirit Wear (September) Read-a-Thon (October) Family Fun Night (February) Fall/Spring Book Fairs (Nov/Mar) – for library materials SUPPLEMENTARY FUNDRAISERS HyVee Shop and Share/Market Fresh Grill Nights (Sept, Nov, Jan, Mar) Gift Card Reward Program (2 nd Monday monthly) Boxtops/Campbell’s Soup Labels (ongoing) NEW THIS YEAR: Valerius PTO has a website, facebook page and email address for improved communication (if you don’t receive any PTO emails, please let us know that you want to opt in for communication)

11 Questions? Email me anytime!

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