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BY: ANDY Primary Sources / Titanic. My Topic: Titanic The topic I have chosen is the event of the Titanic. Since I don’t really know a lot about the event.

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Presentation on theme: "BY: ANDY Primary Sources / Titanic. My Topic: Titanic The topic I have chosen is the event of the Titanic. Since I don’t really know a lot about the event."— Presentation transcript:

1 BY: ANDY Primary Sources / Titanic

2 My Topic: Titanic The topic I have chosen is the event of the Titanic. Since I don’t really know a lot about the event or the history that goes along with it. So let’s get started!

3 Library of Congress- New York Public Library’s Digital Collection- http://digitalcollections.nypl.or g/ Many types of information & topics were listed on the home page. Search box was easy visible. The display was rather helpful than confusing. After running a search I found exactly what I was looking for. Gave me several articles & images. Provided me with important dates and references. Different types of information & topics were listed on the home page as well. Search box was easy accessible. The display was a bit unusual but I got the hang of it. After running a search I found several useful images. Once I clicked an image another image appeared with back round information of the first image. I found some cool newspaper articles about the titanic. Favorite Websites

4 Library of Congress- Home Page Search box is easy visible Different types of information and sources are displayed on this page.

5 Library of Congress- Results I found exactly what I was looking for. I could sort the results as I wanted to.

6 Library of Congress- Article Important dates are listed. An image of the titanic. Also suggested some search strategies.

7 New York Public Library’s Digital Collection- Home Page Different information and topics were on the home page. Search box is easy accessible. The overall display id interesting and unique.

8 New York Public Library’s Digital Collection- Results Several useful images appeared after running a search. Different varieties of pictures were found.

9 New York Public Library’s Digital Collection- Images Each image had a follow up image explaining what the first image was. I found some cool old newspaper articles about the event.

10 Least Favorite Websites National Archives & World Digital Library- Both sites home pages are confusing. The national archives had nothing about the titanic & didn’t have what I was looking for. The world digital library had only one article about the Titanic which wasn’t useful at all. Nothing interesting was found in both articles. These two websites display & results were rather confusing than helpful.

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