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1 UNESCO/OECD Guidelines on “Quality Provision in Cross-Border Higher Education” Second Drafting Meeting Tokyo 14-15 October 2004 Bernard Hugonnier OECD.

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1 1 UNESCO/OECD Guidelines on “Quality Provision in Cross-Border Higher Education” Second Drafting Meeting Tokyo 14-15 October 2004 Bernard Hugonnier OECD Deputy Director for Education

2 2 Time schedule 1. Development l First drafting session: Paris, April 2004 l Second session: Tokyo, October 2004 l Third session: Paris, January 17-18, 2005 l OECD Education Committee to endorse the Guidelines and submit them to the Counci l April 2005 l UNESCO Executive Board Apr il 2005 2. Adoption l The UNESCO General Conference and l The OECD Council l To adopt the Guidelines (Q4 2005)

3 3 The Guidelines: main objectives and features r The Guidelines provide an internationally set of good practices voluntarily agreed by both exporting and importing countries r Their primarily goal is to enhance the protection of students/learners against misinformation, low quality provision and qualifications of limited validity, and accordingly to enhance the quality of higher education in the world r This project has been initiated and is developed by the education sector r The Guidelines will not endanger national sovereignty over higher education; they imply no obligation, directly or indirectly, to liberalise nor to make any GATS commitments r The Guidelines are developed jointly by Governments and non- governmental organisations (H.E. associations, student bodies, networks of Q.A. and accreditation agencies…) of all countries in the world r Their implementation depends upon the actions of all stakeholders (governments, H.E. institutions, student bodies, Q.A. and accreditation agencies, recognition and credential evaluation bodies and professional bodies) r The Guidelines will facilitate the development of national systems to assure the quality of higher education in developing countries r The Guidelines will enhance international co-operation on quality assurance, accreditation and recognition of qualifications procedures and systems

4 4 Implementation r Survey of development (OECD) l Annual survey of implementation measures undertaken by countries including assistance provided to non OECD countries to strengthen their capacities to implement the Guidelines r Capacity building (UNESCO+) r International information tool (UNESCO/OECD) l List of all institutions that are recognised, registered, authorised, licensed or accredited (“bona fide” institutions) to operate within each country. l Objective: June 2006 r Assessing the Guidelines (UNESCO/OECD) l Assessment made in light of developments in cross-border higher education three year after the adoption of the Guidelines r Report to the OECD Council three years after the adoption of Guidelines

5 5 Thank you. OECD: Education Directorate:

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