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Bologna Declaration Workshop: Boosting quality: International Credential Evaluation and Higher Education Quality Assessment in SSH (PHOENIX) Bishkek, 13-14.

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Presentation on theme: "Bologna Declaration Workshop: Boosting quality: International Credential Evaluation and Higher Education Quality Assessment in SSH (PHOENIX) Bishkek, 13-14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bologna Declaration Workshop: Boosting quality: International Credential Evaluation and Higher Education Quality Assessment in SSH (PHOENIX) Bishkek, 13-14 April 2006 Gunnar Vaht Estonian ENIC/NARIC

2 Bologna Declaration Main objective –Creation of an European Higher Education Area by 2010 –Raising the attractiveness and competitiveness of European HE Not the creation of European higher education system It is the creation to use the same or similar principles

3 Bologna Declaration Main ways (I): –adoption of a system of easily readable and comparable degrees, also through the implementation of the Diploma Supplement –adoption of a system essentially based on two main cycles (undergraduate and graduate) –first cycle (bachelor-level) shall also be relevant to the European labor market

4 Bologna Declaration Main ways (II): –establishment of a system of credits - such as in the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) –promotion of mobility (students and teachers) –promotion of European cooperation in quality assurance –promotion of the necessary European dimensions in higher education (curricular development; inter-institutional cooperation; joint/integrated programmes; etc)

5 Main political documents after Bologna Declaration Bergen Communiqué of Ministers (2005) Berlin Communiqué of Ministers (2003) Prague Communiqué of Ministers (2001) Declarations by EUA Declarations by ESIB Statements by ENIC/NARIC on recognition issues in Bologna Process

6 Web sites

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