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The Design Process.

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1 The Design Process

2 Key Questions How does a design process guide the engineer from a loosely understood problem to a highly refined solution? What brainstorming techniques do engineers use to generate ideas during a design process?  What kinds of sketches do engineers use to record their initial ideas?  What kinds of computer-based modeling methods do engineers use to develop their solutions?   How and why do engineers use analytical tools? How do engineers communicate and present their ideas?

3 Purpose  design process  can be thought of as a systematic problem-solving method for generating and developing ideas into solutions.

4 Steps STEP 1 Define the Problem Develop a design brief --
a concise information tool that summarizes the most important information about a design project. The problem statement  is written to clearly and concisely identify a client's or target consumer's problem, need, or want.

5 STEP 1 Define the Problem
A design brief will identify: the person or entity who serves as the client; the individual(s) or group who is to be held accountable for the design service; the client's problem, need, or want; the challenge that will result in an engineering solution, and the degree to which that solution must be realized; and any limitations within which the engineer must operate throughout the design process.

6 Step 1 difference between a problem and a challenge.
problem does not require a person to act. tells you to design something, he or she is presenting you with a challenge, not a problem. The challenge is summarized within the design statement , which follows the problem statement in a design brief. Design Brief Figure

7 STEP 2 Brainstorm Brainstorming  can include any technique that a design team uses to generate ideas. discuss the problem identify existing knowledge that team members have that relates to the problem generate questions that need to be answered define areas of focus that will be assigned to various members of the team for research.

8 STEP 2 Brainstorm Brainstorming guidelines are:
Stay focused on the task at hand. Do not judge or criticize ideas but feel free to ask questions and provide positive comments. Don't limit yourself to only rational ideas. Build off the ideas of the other participants. Only one person should present their idea at a time

9 STEP 2 Brainstorm Stepladder Method
Step 1. Clearly define the problem and criteria. Step 2. Allow group members time to create ideas individually. Step 3. Two group members come together to share their ideas and brainstorm new ideas that develop as a result of the sharing process. Step 4. A third member is added who presents his or her ideas to the other two members and then listens to the ideas from the original two members. After all of the ideas have been shared, time is allowed to brainstorm new ideas. Step 5. Repeat step 4 by adding one new group members at a time until all members have joined and shared their ideas.

10 STEP 3 Research and Generate Ideas
Primary research generating original information through interviews, surveys, experiments, and observations.  Secondary research  gathering and sifting through preexisting information. Books, films, patents, professional journals, periodicals, and encyclopedias

11 STEP 4 Identify Criteria and Constraints
Identify and agree on limits within which an acceptable solution must be developed. Criteria  are specific standards against which a design will be judged acceptable or unacceptable. Constraints  are general limits that are imposed on a design project such as project deadlines, budgets, materials, or manufacturing processes. 

12 STEP 5 Explore Possibilities
Involves returning to the initial solution ideas and sketches that were recorded in the engineer's notebook during step 2 (brainstorming) and step 3 (research and generating ideas) and building from them. Brainstorm identify two or three ideas that have the greatest potential, recognizing the limitations  Finally conduct a formal critique  of the detailed ideas. 

13 STEP 6 Select an Approach
 A decision matrix  is a chart that designers use to quantify their opinions of two or more design ideas by assessing each idea according to a series of important considerations.

14 STEP 6 Select an Approach

15 STEP 7 Develop a Design Proposal
 develop the idea into a solution.  usually consists of: CAD part models and assemblies assembly drawings dimensioned multiview drawings of each manufactured component schematic diagrams

16 STEP 8 Model or Prototype
Def. A model  is a detailed three-dimensional representation of a design that is used to communicate, explore, or test an idea. A prototype  is a one-of-a-kind working model of a solution that is developed for testing purposes.

17 STEP 9 Test and Evaluate Measure a solution's functionality.
Data generated and recorded

18 STEP 10 Refine Any issues or shortcomings that are identified through testing and analysis are discussed among the design team. May need to backtrack to an earlier step in the design process in order to move forward

19 STEP 11 Create the Final Solution
Is the final solution: a custom (one-of-a-kind) design a limited-production item a mass-produced product?

20 STEP 12 Communicate the Results
Final solution is communicated via: the form of a technical report, digital presentation demonstration of the actual working solution. May also involve the creation of: instruction manuals graphic advertisements patent documents.

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