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Module Three Inquries and Replies 询盘与回复 Learning Objectives : I. Be able to write a letter of first inquiry II. Be able to write letters of general inquiries.

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Presentation on theme: "Module Three Inquries and Replies 询盘与回复 Learning Objectives : I. Be able to write a letter of first inquiry II. Be able to write letters of general inquiries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module Three Inquries and Replies 询盘与回复 Learning Objectives : I. Be able to write a letter of first inquiry II. Be able to write letters of general inquiries III. Be able to write letters of specific inquiries

2 Key Words & Expressions Inquiries first inquiry general inquiry specific inquiry Commission delivery effect delivery make delivery take delivery delivery date all necessary information catalogue sample book terms and conditions Quotation Sheet

3 询盘的定义 P49 询盘( inquiry )也叫询价,是指交易的一 方准备购买或出售某种商品,向对方询问 买卖该商品的有关交易条件。

4 询盘的种类 First inquiry: 首次询盘 General inquiry: 一般询盘,普通询盘 Specific inquriy: 具体询盘 the names , specifications, quantity of the goods, special discount , terms of payment , time of delivery you expect

5 1.State clearly and concisely what you want – general information, a catalogue,price list, sample, quotation,etc. 2.If there is a limit to the price at which you are prepared to buy,do not mention this otherwise the supplier may raise the quotation to the limit you state. 3.Most suppliers state their terms of payment when replying so there is no need for you to ask them unless you are hoping for special rates. 4.Keep your enquiry brief and concise. In a routine letter of enquiry follows these guidelines:

6 (1) Identifying the reference of your letter Key Words & Expressions a. We have noticed from your advertisement in “Trade Directory” that you export garments. b. We are interested in your men’s shirts and approach you for quotations. c. Thank you for your letter of May 5 and your latest catalogue enclosed.

7 (2) Making an inquiry Key Words & Expressions a. We are interested in silk blouses and please let us have your latest C.I.F.C3% London together with your terms of payment and state whether you would be able to effect delivery within one month after receiving our order. b. We shall be grateful if you will send us some brochures and samples for our reference. c. Please quote us your best CIF Dalian price, giving a full specification of your product and time of shipment. d. Please enclose the sample-book covering all the styles of your products.

8 (3) Stressing the hints of terms Key Words & Expressions a. Should your price be found competitive and delivery date acceptable, we intend to place a substantial order. b. If the goods and your trade terms prove satisfactory, you may expect from us a large order in the future. c. Please let us know if you can give a special discount on orders more than 1 000 dozen of the goods. d. Please inform us of your payment terms so that we may arrange our purchase so long as your price is workable.

9 Task 1 Warming-up Discussion Suppose you are Fashion Trading Co. Ltd. in London. , and recently you have received a letter from China National Garments Imp. & Exp. Corporation , Dalian Branch. They want to export silk blouses, which happens to be your requirements. What will you write to them?

10 Writing Steps for reference Writing Steps for reference 1. Identifying the reference of your letter 2. Making your specific inquiry clearly and concisely –a catalogue, sample and etc. 3. Giving the hints of your important terms 4. Providing your bank reference 5. Endings

11 具体询盘 初次询盘 交货期 specific inquiry first inquiry delivery date I. Translate the following phrases:  Intake

12 批发商 零售商 带有插图的目录册 具有竞争性的价格 wholesalers retailers illustrated catalogue competitive price  Intake 商机 business chance

13 折扣 一般性询盘 交易条款与条件 discount general inquiry terms and conditions I. Translate the following phrases:  Intake

14 II. Translate the following sentences into Chinese: 1.We are enclosing herewith an inquiry sheet. 2.We are looking forward to receiving your inquiry at an early date. 盼早日收到你方的询盘。 3.As soon as we receive your inquiry, we will immediately mail you the samples and offer you most favorable prices. 我们随函寄上询价单一份。 一俟收到你方的询盘,我们即会寄上样品并报最优惠的价格。 4.If your quotation is competitive, we are ready to place orders for Men's Shirts. 如果你方报价具有竞争性的话,我们准备订购 男式衬衫。

15 5. Please quote as requested in our inquiry sheet your lowest prices and state the earliest delivery date.  Intake 请按照我方询价单报最低价并说明最早交货期 6.If you are interested in our electronic products, please let us know with a specific inquiry. 如果你方对电子产品感兴趣,请告知我方。 7.If your quality is good and the price is suitable for our market, we would consider signing a long-term contract with you.. 如果你方的货物质量好且价格适合我市场,我们考虑 同你签订一个长期合同。 8.If you think this offer is acceptable to you, please cable us immediately for our confirmation. 如果你方认为此报盘可接受,即来电以便我方确认。

16 9. Please quote us CIF Vancouver including 3% commission.  Intake 请报至温哥华成本保险加运费价含佣金百分之三。 10.The above offer is subject to our final confirmation. 上述报盘以我方最后确认为准。 III. Translate the following sentences into English: 1. 如果你方报价具有竞争性,交货期可接受的话,我们愿向你 方订货。 2. 一经收到你方具体询价,我们将电告报价。 We shall be very glad to place our order with you if your quotation is competitive and delivery date acceptable. As soon as we receive your specific enquiry, we will cable you our quotation.

17 3. 如果你方有兴趣,请电告我方,说明所需数量。  Intake If you are interested, please cable us and indicate the quantity you require. 4. 我们对贵方发盘颇感兴趣,近日内将给予明确答复。 We find your offer interesting and shall give you our definite reply in a few days. 5. 如果我方向你们长期订货,请告知你放能给多少折扣 。 We would appreciate your letting us know what discount you can grant if we give you a long-term regular order? 6. 这是我方最新的价格表,你会发现我方价格具有竞争性的。 This is our latest price list. You will find our price is very competitive.

18  Intake 7. ABC 公司正向我们询价绿茶。 ABC Company is making us an inquiry for green tea. 8. 如果你方订货数量大,价格还可以进一步考虑。 We can reconsider our price if your order is big enough. 9. 一收到你方具体询盘,我们立即报最优惠的拉各斯到岸价。 We shall make you our most favorable quotations CFR Lagos upon receipt of your specific enquiry. 10. 因为我们所报价格是很合理的,我们相信这将是你们所能接受的。 As the price we quoted is quite reasonable, and we trust it will be acceptable to you.

19 Output

20 Dear Sirs, We are glad to receive your letter of Dec.15 with enclosure. At present, we are interested in importing 3,000 dozen Men’s shirts at CIF New York. Please state the earliest delivery date and terms of payment when you offer. We shall also be pleased if you send us your catalouges on the above goods. We are looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully,  Situational Training :

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