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1 Who is this Jesus?. 2 John 20:30,31 John 1:1,2 John 1:14.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Who is this Jesus?. 2 John 20:30,31 John 1:1,2 John 1:14."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Who is this Jesus?

2 2 John 20:30,31 John 1:1,2 John 1:14

3 3 See, I did it! And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name. John 20:30,31  The sum of what I have told you is this: Jesus is the Messiah! Jesus is God! In Jesus is life!

4 4 What I will prove! In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. John 1:1,2  John’s thesis states that Jesus: is pre-existing was with God is God

5 5 Who is this Jesus? A.In the beginning was the Word = Jesus was pre-existent B.and the Word was with God = Jesus was with God C.the Word was God = Jesus is God B.He was with God = Jesus was with God the beginning = Jesus was pre-existent

6 6 Who is this Jesus? Jesus was pre-existent!  “before” all things 1 John 1:1 Genesis 1:1 John 1:1  the person of Christ Hebrews 1:1,2 Revelation 1:8,17 Philippians 2:6

7 7 Who is this Jesus? Jesus was with God  affirmation of Jesus’ separate personality  John 14:9  Trinity involved here  diversity within the Godhead

8 8 Who is this Jesus? Jesus is God  Jesus is fully divine  Everything said about God the Father can be said about God the Son  We know God the Father by knowing Him. John 14:8,9

9 9 Who is this Jesus? Practical Applications #1 To say that Jesus Christ is God is to say that we can know the truth about God  There is no knowledge of God apart from the knowledge of Jesus Christ.  There is no knowledge of Jesus Christ apart from the Scriptures.

10 10 Who is this Jesus? #2 God was always like Jesus!  O.T. – God says, “There must be an atonement for sin.”  N.T. – God Says, “There is the atonement of sin.”  Today God speaks to our hearts and says, “That (the cross) was the atonement for sin.”

11 11 Who is this Jesus? #3 The truth that Jesus Christ is God means that His death on the cross was an acceptable sacrifice. Because Jesus is God, He can satisfy all the needs of your heart!

12 12 Who is this Jesus? Who is this Jesus to you?

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