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Faculty Satisfaction Survey 2011: First Findings GLOBAL SATISFACTION RATINGS: University Wide (N=265) Average Satisfaction ratings for 9 items in this.

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Presentation on theme: "Faculty Satisfaction Survey 2011: First Findings GLOBAL SATISFACTION RATINGS: University Wide (N=265) Average Satisfaction ratings for 9 items in this."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faculty Satisfaction Survey 2011: First Findings GLOBAL SATISFACTION RATINGS: University Wide (N=265) Average Satisfaction ratings for 9 items in this Category (General Satisfaction Excluded): Mean=4.53; SD=1.18 1: Very dissatisfied 4: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 7: Very satisfied 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Faces Scale (Andrews & Withey, 1976)

2 Faculty Satisfaction Survey 2011: First Findings The following slides show abbreviated tables that will be detailed more fully in the Faculty Satisfaction Survey Committee’s first report, which will be released to faculty and the Pace community in late February or early March.

3 While academic freedom and autonomy lead the top ten Teaching satisfaction items, multi-campus teaching issues round out the bottom of the list. Average Satisfaction ratings for all 38 items in this category: 4.89 Faculty Satisfaction Survey 2011: First Findings- Teaching

4 Usefulness of internal grants earn higher marks, while support for updating scholarly knowledge earned the lowest rating among the Research/Scholarship items. Average Satisfaction ratings for all 17 items in this category: 4.08 Faculty Satisfaction Survey 2011: First Findings- Research/Scholarship

5 The satisfaction means of Service items ranged from a low of 2.86 for service to the community outside of Pace to a high of 5.55 for choosing the types of service to provide. Average Satisfaction ratings for 9 items in this category: 4.42 Faculty Satisfaction Survey 2011: First Findings- Service

6 These items deal with Salary, Benefits, Retirement and Working Environment issues. Although availability of childcare has the lowest rating, only 63 faculty responded to this item. The next lowest- rated items deal with special compensation, while the item garnering highest reported levels of satisfaction is the convenience of the work pattern. Average Satisfaction ratings for all 25 items in this category: 3.89 Faculty Satisfaction Survey 2011: First Findings- Working Conditions

7 These items deal with Department, School/College and University issues. Departmental items rank highest in satisfaction, while the lowest items concern the Board of Trustees and faculty input into resource allocation. Average Satisfaction ratings for all 44 items in this category: 4.01 Faculty Satisfaction Survey 2011: First Findings- Governance

8 Faculty Satisfaction Survey 2011 First report- University-wide, School/College, including a review of qualitative data Analyses that have already been run and will be refined for future reports include Campus comparisons, Tenured vs. Non-Tenured, Core-Teaching vs. non-Core-Teaching, Graduate vs. Undergraduate-Teaching Faculty Satisfaction Survey Committee: John Byrne, Lubin School of Business, David Ekstrom, College of Health Professions, Lisa Fastenberg, Dyson College of Arts & Sciences, Farrokh Hormozi, Dyson College of Arts & Sciences, Alvin Hwang, Lubin School of Business, Chu-Hua Kuei, Lubin School of Business, Susanne O'Callaghan, Lubin School of Business, Belgacem Raggad, Seidenberg School of CSIS, John Stokes, Dyson College of Arts & Sciences, Joan Walker, School of Education, Marie Werner, Dyson College of Arts & Sciences

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