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Intensity change and possible unusual eye wall replacement cycle of Edouard between 14 – 15 September 2014 Ed Zipser Department of Atmospheric Sciences.

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Presentation on theme: "Intensity change and possible unusual eye wall replacement cycle of Edouard between 14 – 15 September 2014 Ed Zipser Department of Atmospheric Sciences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intensity change and possible unusual eye wall replacement cycle of Edouard between 14 – 15 September 2014 Ed Zipser Department of Atmospheric Sciences University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA Acknowledgments: Trey Alvey, Rob Rogers, Jon Zawislak, SSEC team, and so many, many others who made HS3 possible HS3 Science Meeting Tuesday May 5, 2015

2 At least 2 drops ~ 21 UTC with sfc pressure 40 m/s

3 re GPM Overpass of Edouard

4 GPM Cross-Section through Edouard’s eye (Ku dBZ and Tb at 37, 85, 183+/-7 GHz) [Eye radius ~ 25 km at low levels] From Chuntao Liu’s PF database

5 P3 Lower Fuselage Images 14 Sept. Inner circle is estimated RMW (25 km) from tail radar Outer black line Is 50 km. 850-200 hPa shear vector N

6 P3 Lower Fuselage Images 15 Sept. Circle is estimated RMW (45 km) from tail radar Box (1 X 1°) is same scale as on 14 Sept. N 850-200 hPa shear vector

7 15 th 15 UTC 14 th 16 UTC 16 th 20 UTC 16 th 19 UTC 14 th 15 UTC 15 th 16 UTC

8 85-91 GHz PCT 85-91 GHz P3 exit GH enter EWRC?

9 So, what can the GH Flight of 14-15 September tell us about Edouard’s intensity change and possible eyewall replacement cycle? Interesting changes in distribution of deep convection started during the 3 hours between departure of the P-3 and the arrival of the GH. Convective bursts close to the center left of shear evolved quickly into more symmetric coverage, and at a larger radius. Dropsondes should reveal both large scale humidity distribution and small scale changes in the inner core. S-HIS may supplement occasional satellite coverage and give profiles in the eye center that the dropsondes just missed.

10 Passive Microwave Tb at time of first GH eye crossing (N-S) Deep convection at r=25 km (west), 60 km (east). Start of EWRC? 91 GHz PCT37 GHz (H) 100 km 200 km








18 Location and trajectory of AVAPS drops near Edouard N-S eye crossing at 2102 Z on 14 Sept (Note: SHIS shows GH over eye at 2102 Z; also at 0034 Z) IR Tb < 200K

19 2100 Z release N of eye, gets into N wall2103 Z release SE of eye. enters eye -48° -45° -2° +2° COOL!WARM!

20 Brief Summary In spite of a great deal of data from 2 P-3 flights and an excellent GH flight, Edouard’s inner core evolution between 14-15 Sept. is complex and not easily understood. The RMW expands from 25 – 45 km during the GH flight but there is little indication of a conventional EWRC. A quick look at the dropsondes indicates both high and low theta-e air in different portions of the eyewall. (Why?) Challenge: Can numerical simulations shed light on the reasons for the convective evolution, eyewall radius and intensity changes between 14-16 September?


22 Upshear – Downshear cross section







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