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Sociology.  Culture and Society  Culture- knowledge, language, values, customs, and objects passed down through generations  Helps to explain human.

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Presentation on theme: "Sociology.  Culture and Society  Culture- knowledge, language, values, customs, and objects passed down through generations  Helps to explain human."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sociology

2  Culture and Society  Culture- knowledge, language, values, customs, and objects passed down through generations  Helps to explain human behavior

3  2 types of things passed down  Material  Cell phones, buildings, computers  Non Material  Beliefs, customs, rules

4  QDk QDk

5  00qX4 00qX4

6  A group of people that live in defined territory and have common culture  Way of life for certain groups of people

7  Instincts- genetically inherited patterns of behavior  Non human rely more on instincts  Reflexes- automatic reaction to physical stimuli  sneezing

8  Sociobiology-study of biological basis of human behavior  Believe that behaviors that help the most are biologically transferred


10  Cultural Transmission  The creation and transmission of culture

11  Things that stand for or represent something else  Snapping in Brazil


13  Language allows us to create culture  With language, humans can pass ideas, experiences, and knowledge to others

14  Hypothesis of Linguistic Relativity  Our perception of the world depends on our language we learned  Since languages differ, so do perceptions

15  When something is important, it has many words  When something is not important, it may not have one word

16  How many ways can you say toilet

17  Throne  Comfort Station  Commode  Toilet  Pot  toilet-marking-101-years-since-thomas-crappers- death/ toilet-marking-101-years-since-thomas-crappers- death/

18  qROc qROc  Ode to the Commode video

19  How we see things is influenced by more than just language  Cultures differ, and this may influence them experiencing things differently

20  A penny saved is a penny _____________  Better safe than _______________  Better late than _________________  Hard work beats talent when talent ________________________  No news is ________________

21  A penny saved is a penny earned  Better safe than sorry  Better late than never  Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard  No news is good news

22  What you can do today, don’t put it off ___________________ (Germany)  A bird in the hand is worth ___________________ (England)  A closed mouth ____________________________ (Italy)  A good husband is _________________________ (Japan)  A monkey never thinks ___________________ (Haitain)

23  What you can do today, don’t put it off until tomorrow (Germany)  A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush (England)  A closed mouth catches no flies (Italy)  A good husband is healthy and absent (Japan)  A monkey never thinks her baby’s ugly (Haitian)


25  Rules defining appropriate and inappropriate behavior  So engrained in behavior we don’t even realize it  Senegal  Never eat with left hand, considered offensive  Zambia  Avoid direct eye contact with opposite sex  K7SA K7SA

26 Folkways Rules that cover customary ways of thinking Sleeping on a bed rather than a floor disapproval is low

27  Deals with what is right and wrong  Conformity is supported, and are of great moral significance  Taboo  Norm so strong, if violated you will get punished  Videos

28  Defined and enforced by officials  Consciously created and enforced

29  It is illegal for a vehicle without a driver to exceed 60 miles per hour  It is legal to beat your wife on the court house steps on Sundays.  It is illegal to fart in a public place after 6 P.M. on Thursdays.  it’s illegal to paint your lawn red.

30  California  South Carolina  Florida  Kentucky

31  Broad ideas about what most people consider desirable

32  Form the basis for norms  Involved in most aspects of daily life  Achievement and Success  Democracy

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