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Introduction to Design for Non-Designers Beth Harrison, PhD University of Dayton.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Design for Non-Designers Beth Harrison, PhD University of Dayton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Design for Non-Designers Beth Harrison, PhD University of Dayton

2 Agenda What is design & why do we care? “Good design” defined Elements of critical thinking Practice making informed, conscious choices

3 What is design? What do you think? –

4 What is design? Choices we make as we create things, environments, relationships → We are ALL designers! To plan something for a specific role or purpose or effect → Intentional, with purpose in mind

5 Why do we care? Environments disable! ENVIRONMENTS DISABLE!

6 What sorts of things do we design in DS?

7 What do we design in DS? Language Images Spaces Interactions Relationships Materials: print, audio, web… Requirements Learning environments Testing environments Processes

8 What is “good design”? (1) For designers, traditionally: good design = functionality + aesthetic appeal functionality + Aesthetic Appeal

9 What’s “good design”? (2) Good design = accessible / inclusive design = Functionality / Accessibility + Usability + Aesthetic appeal

10 With a partner... Think of something in your life that is NOT well designed, that just doesn’t work for you. Why doesn’t it work? –

11 It’s all about (good) design Good design – takes time – is a process, not a product – asks for continuous critical reflection and creativity There is no formula!

12 What does all this mean for us as DS providers? We make design choices everyday We are in a position to discuss design choices made around our institutions We need to make conscious, intentional design choices everyday

13 How can we think differently about the choices we make? Elements of thought, from the Foundation for Critical Thinking

14 8 Elements of Thought Purpose Question at issue Information Interpretation & inferences Concepts, theories, definitions, etc. Assumptions Implications & consequences Point of view

15 Questions to ask (1) What is the need? (purpose) What are the results you would like to achieve? (goals) – Concrete – Affective (feelings, values) What are the design parameters? (info)

16 Questions to ask (2) What are some possible solutions? What concepts, theories, principles apply? What assumptions underlie all of the above?

17 Questions to ask (3) What are the implications of each possible solution? Consider various stakeholders’ points of view.

18 Let’s try...

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