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Dynamical Mass Generation by Strong Yukawa Interactions Tomáš Brauner and Jiří Hošek, Phys.Rev.D72: 045007(2005) Petr Beneš, Tomáš Brauner and Jiří Hošek:

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Presentation on theme: "Dynamical Mass Generation by Strong Yukawa Interactions Tomáš Brauner and Jiří Hošek, Phys.Rev.D72: 045007(2005) Petr Beneš, Tomáš Brauner and Jiří Hošek:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dynamical Mass Generation by Strong Yukawa Interactions Tomáš Brauner and Jiří Hošek, Phys.Rev.D72: 045007(2005) Petr Beneš, Tomáš Brauner and Jiří Hošek: hep-ph/0605147 CERN Yellow Book : hep-ph/0608079 Lagrangian and its properties Fermion mass generation and scalar boson mass splitting Where is the Nambu-Goldstone boson ? Gauge boson mass generation Symmetry-breaking loop-generated vertices SU(2)xU(1) generalization

2 1. Lagrangian and its properties remember arrows of the fields 1. Lagrangian and its properties remember arrows of the fields

3 Symmetry:

4 Why two fermion species: no axial anomaly Why two fermion species: no axial anomaly With M 2 >O no symmetry breakdown in scalar sector itself With M 2 >O no symmetry breakdown in scalar sector itself Comparison with Higgs mechanism by heart (see the Lagrangian) Comparison with Higgs mechanism by heart (see the Lagrangian)

5 II. Fermion mass generation and scalar boson mass splitting ASSUME that Yukawa interactions generate the chiral-symmetry breaking fermion proper self-energies Σ: ASSUME that Yukawa interactions generate the chiral-symmetry breaking fermion proper self-energies Σ:

6 THEN Yukawa interactions generate the symmetry-breaking scalar proper self-energy Π

7 Yukawa interactions GENERATE Σ Provided solutions for anomalous proper self- energies Π exist

8 Explicit form of the coupled Schwinger- Dyson equations (not very illuminating)

9 NICELY CONVERGENT KERNEL (corresponding counter terms prohibited by symmetry) By dimensional argument: By dimensional argument: Compare with Higgs: Compare with Higgs:

10 Boson mass splitting In particular case of real Π found numerically In particular case of real Π found numerically the real and imaginary parts of Φ are the mass eigenstates with masses the real and imaginary parts of Φ are the mass eigenstates with masses

11 Solutions found for LARGE YUKAWA COUPLINGS numerically (exploratory stage (!!!)) 1. Line of critical couplings

12 2.Typical shape of UV-finite solutions Σ and Π. They are found numerically upon Wick rotation in SD equations.

13 3. Large amplification of the fermion mass ratios

14 Large amplification of fermion mass ratios as a response to small changes in Yukawa coupling ratios Explicit knowledge of non-analytic dependences of masses upon couplings – ULTIMATE DREAM ULTIMATE DREAM Coupling constant λ ignored as unimportant for non-perturbative mass generation

15 III. Where is the Nambu-Goldstone boson ? Axial-vector current Axial-vector current Axial-vector Ward identities for proper vertices Axial-vector Ward identities for proper vertices

16 For Σ, Π non-zero the identities imply the massless pole in proper vertices Γ

17 Basic quantities to be calculated are the UV finite vectorial tadpoles I:

18 Effective NG couplings are related to Σ and Π:

19 The overall normalization is given by tadpoles I:

20 IV. Gauge boson mass generation Gauge boson mass squared is the residue at the massless pole of the gauge field polarization tensor Gauge boson mass squared is the residue at the massless pole of the gauge field polarization tensor (Schwinger): (Schwinger):

21 In Higgs (complete polarization tensor): In Higgs (complete polarization tensor):

22 In strongly coupled models no control on the bound-state spectrum except NG. Consequently, only the longitudinal part can be computed. By transversality

23 V. Symmetry-breaking loop-generated UV-finite vertices: genuine (albeit gedanken) predictions

24 An illustration: Three-gluon vertex (G is computed)

25 VI. Outlook (bona fide) - Common source of fermion and gauge-boson mass generation - Hope for natural description of wide, sparse and irregular fermion mass spectrum - Basic SU(2)xU(1) generalization exists: T. Brauner, J.H., A model of flavors, T. Brauner, J.H., A model of flavors, hep-ph/0407339 : introduce TWO DISTINCT massive scalar SU(2)xU(1) doublets. I LIKE SCALARS-THEY FEEL FLAVORS. hep-ph/0407339 : introduce TWO DISTINCT massive scalar SU(2)xU(1) doublets. I LIKE SCALARS-THEY FEEL FLAVORS. - Phenomenological viability is to be investigated

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