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16th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference 4 and 5 November 2015 Awareness Level of Nursing Students Regarding Violence Against Women – An Example.

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Presentation on theme: "16th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference 4 and 5 November 2015 Awareness Level of Nursing Students Regarding Violence Against Women – An Example."— Presentation transcript:

1 16th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference 4 and 5 November 2015 Awareness Level of Nursing Students Regarding Violence Against Women – An Example from Turkey Gülseren ÇITAK TUNÇ, Nevin ÇITAK BİLGİN, Elif ERGİN KILINC- Nursing Department, Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey

2 Population: 73 997 128 Income group: Middle As an ethnically diverse, Predominately: Muslim (%99) Gross national income per capita: US$ 10 810 Global status report on violence prevention 2014

3 Social and cultural norms change: PARTİAL Intimate partner violence prevention programmes: PARTİAL Youth violence prevention programmes: PARTİAL Legal age of marriage (male/female) 17 / 17 Dating violence prevention in schools: No LAWS AND PREVENTION PROGRAMMES BY TYPE OF VIOLENCE

4 Child protection services: LIMITED Medico-legal services for sexual violence: LIMITED Mental health services: LIMITED VICTIM SERVICES Adult protective services: LIMITED

5 Violence is a public health problem affecting millions of people globally and a violation of human rights (WHO 28 March 2014). All women on earth faces the risk of exposure to violence based on gender mainstreaming without any discrimination regarding COUNTRY, ETHNİCİTY, CLASS, RELİGİON, ECONOMİC AND SOCİAL STATUS.

6 137 million people died in 2011 as a result of violence Of those deaths, 58% were due to self-directed violence, 35% due to interpersonal violence and According to the report of WHO, themed Violence and Health 2014 6% due to collective violence.

7 Violence against women which maintains its global importance is one of the major social problems in Turkey.

8 Domestic violence against women in Turkey had come to the fore by the mid-80s. The institutionalized process concerning elimination of violence against women has started by the 90s. The first step in the sense of legislation has been the Law on the Protection of Family no. 4320 dated 1998. Legal reforms aiming for the provision of gender mainstreaming have gained a momentum by the 2000s.

9 In Turkey; primary health care institutions are the first step of application for those exposed to domestic violence (Elmalı et al. 2011). However, women exposed to violence do not mention this to healthcare personnel as they fear being 1-STİGMATİZED 2-AS THEY WANT TO PROTECT THEİR HUSBANDS (Yanıkkerem et al. 2006).

10 Aim1- to determine the level of awareness and knowledge of the nursing students in health schools

11 Aim-2 regarding the projects and practices in Turkey concerning violence against women.

12 Method Response rate was found to be 77.0%. Sampling method was not used in the study and it was possible to reach the whole universe (total 235 students). Research was concluded with 181 students who accepted to participate. (1 st year: 110 4th year: 71) The universe of the descriptive study was composed of Uludag University Health School Nursing Department students during 2013-2014 educational year.

13 Data Collection Demographic characteristics Experiencess questions of Violence Questions concerning Violence Prevention project Knowledge questions of violence Questions concerning Violence Prevention centers

14 Ethical Issues Regarding the Research Written permissions received from Uludağ University Health School. Students were informed verbally that they are free to decide to participate or not to participate in the research

15 Data was analyzed through frequencies percentages mean Chi-Square using the Statistical Package program. Data Analysis


17 Table 1: Distribution of Students According to Socio-Demographic Characteristics (n=181) Socio-Demographic CharacteristicsFrequencyPercent Gender Female15183,4 Male3016,6 Mean age 20,44±2.35(min:18 max: 34 Sibling 2.30±2.0(min:0-max:10) Year at School 1st year11060.8 4 th year7139.2

18 Graphic 1: Distribution of the Studets Type of Violence Witnessed(n=319)

19 Students Being Exposed to Violence Graphic 2: Distribution of the Students Being Exposed to Violence (n=181)

20 Type of Violence Exposed Graphic 3: Distribution of the Students Exposed of Violence(n= 28)

21 Table 2: Comparison of Exposure to Violence by Gender by the Students (n=181) Gender Exposed to Violence Non Exposed to Violence Total n % n%n% Female1711.313488.7151 100 Male1136.71963.330 100 X 2 : 12.356 p:0.000

22 Table 3: Distribution of the Students by their Answers to Information Questions regarding the Violence against Women (n:181) TYPE OF VİOLENCE STATEMENT KNOWN n % UNKNOWN n % TOTAL n % Physical Injuring the women with sharp objects 178 98.3 3 1.7181 100.0 Forcing the women to live in unhealthy conditions 97 53.684 46.4181 100.0 Psychological Keeping the women in constant control on the grounds of jealousy 173 95.68 4.4181 100.0 Deciding the attire of women for herself 158 87.323 12.7181 100.0 Sexual Marital rape 169 93.412 6.6181 100.0 Forcing the women to/not to bear a child 99 54.782 45.3181 100.0 Economic Not giving money to the women 180 99.41 0.6181 100.0 Taking away the money and income of the women 176 97.25 2.8181 100.0

23 Table 4: Distribution of the Students on the basis of wheter they Know About the Centres Combatting Violence, attached to the Ministry of Family and Social Policies (MOFSP) (n:181) Knowledge about the Centres attached to the MOFSP n% KNOWN 12166.9 UNKNOWN 6033.1 KNOWN CENTRES (n:239)* Koza (Cocoon)52.1 Family Counselling Centres7531.4 Family Centres3715.5 ALO 183 line8033.5 Gelincik (Child Brides) Call Line 135.4 Emergency Departments of the Hospitals 2912.1 *Students gave more than one answer

24 “Evlilik Okulu Projesi” EVOP (Marriage School) Project developed to prevent the possible problems in marriage and to explain the national, moral, and social importance of the family to married couples or to couples that are going to marry (Stop Child Marriage) "Çocuk Gelinlere Hayır" Project developed to prevent the marriage of girls at an early age (Child not Brides“Gelincik") Project developed to gain rights against violence and abuse (Family Ombudsman) “Aile Ombudsmanlığı" Project for the people considering divorce ” (Panic Button) “Panik ButonProject described as “an electronic support system for the protection of women victims of violence” PROJECTS

25 Table 5: Distribution of the Students on the basis of whether they know about the Projects of MOFSP to Combat Violence Against Women (n:181) NAME OF THE PROJECT KNOWN BY STUDENTS n % NOT KNOWN BY STUDENTS n % Total n % PANİK BUTON PROJESİ (PANİC BUTTON PROJECT) 37 20.4144 79.6181 100.0 GELİNCİK PROJESİ (CHİLD not BRİDES PROJECT) 33 18.2148 81.8181 100.0 EVLİLİK OKULU PROJESİ (MARRİAGE SCHOOL PROJECT) 37 20.4144 79.6181 100.0 AİLE OMBUDSMANLIĞI PROJESİ (FAMİLY OMBUDSMAN PROJECT) 17 9.4164 90.6181 100.0 ÇOCUK GELİNLERE HAYIR PROJESİ (STOP CHİLD MARRİAGE PROJECT) 130 71.851 28.2181 100.0

26 Table 6: Distribution of the Students Institutions that the Students Find Effective in Combatting Violence against Women and the Students’ Solution Proposals Institutions that the Students Find Effective in Combatting Violence (n:395 *) n% GOVERMENT10927.6 CİVİL SOCİETY ORGANİZATİONS13333.6 MEDİA12030.4 PRİVATE SECTOR338.4 Solution Proposals to Prevent Violence (n: 459*) INCREASİNG SOCİAL AWARENESS16936.8 ELİMİNATİON OF GENDER INEQUALİTY13830.1 POPULARİZATİON OF THE CENTRES TO PREVENT AND MONİTOR VİOLENCE 15233.1 *Students gave more than one answer

27 In this study, it has been determined that the awareness of the nursing students regarding violence vary according to their gender and year of school.

28 In order to raise the awareness of the nursing students at an early phase, regarding the prevention of violence, it may be suggested to cover this issue within the education programmes, to develop programmes in schools for the prevention of “violence applied by the partners”, to improve health policies by including the establishment of communication networks and organization of the awareness raising trainings for the healthcare personnel. In order to raise the awareness of the nursing students at an early phase, regarding the prevention of violence, it may be suggested to cover this issue within the education programmes, to develop programmes in schools for the prevention of “violence applied by the partners”, to improve health policies by including the establishment of communication networks and organization of the awareness raising trainings for the healthcare personnel. SUGGESTIONS

29 In an era that physical force has lost its importance, how can a sociaty that beats and contains women at home heal?


31 Thanks on behalf of all women

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