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EJSHS 2014-2015. Increase motivation and focus of academic achievement Provide a time for homework, make-up tests/quizzes/missing homework, and studying.

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Presentation on theme: "EJSHS 2014-2015. Increase motivation and focus of academic achievement Provide a time for homework, make-up tests/quizzes/missing homework, and studying."— Presentation transcript:

1 EJSHS 2014-2015

2 Increase motivation and focus of academic achievement Provide a time for homework, make-up tests/quizzes/missing homework, and studying for upcoming tests Allow students to receive extra assistance from teachers Increase student outcomes on assessments

3 Take responsibility for your own learning (seek help when needed!) Do what you are supposed to do Follow ALL rules outlined in Student Handbook Work Quietly and productively Respect each other’s right to learn Be grateful for the assistance you receive from teachers (test prep, class help, etc.)

4 Go to the bathroom and use drinking fountain before L.L. Obtain passes to see any teacher BEFORE L.L. – you must have a pass to leave your L.L. for ANY reason This includes visiting with College Representatives Bring everything you need – there are no locker passes ever. Refrain from eating or drinking during LL (unless in Honors Study Hall) No cell phones or MP3 players (unless in Honors Learning Lab)

5 Text Books Laptop Writing tools & notebook paper Planner – for organization and passes A book for silent reading Any other necessary materials to complete assignments (calculator, construction paper, scissors, glue, colored pencils, markers, etc.)

6 Work on homework Seek assistance from teachers (must get pass before Learning Lab) Write stories, essays, papers, etc. Make up any missing assignments, quizzes, tests, etc. Get organized (planner, binder, etc.) Read books Check Moodle/teacher webpages for changes or updates. Study for quizzes/tests Attend Test prep classes as scheduled Attend an organizational meeting, if eligible Cannot have a F in any class that week to attend Check with your L.L. teacher regarding eligibility

7 Grades are evaluated every quarter Students with all A’s & B’s AND have no disciplinary violations have privilege of being in Honors Study Hall Students with C’s, D’s & F’s and/or students who have disciplinary violations are assigned to a Learning Lab in classroom setting Students who have a grade of F on eligibility report cannot attend organizational meetings

8 Located in the cafeteria Students will have extra privileges Quietly talking w/ friends Food & Drink Use of MP3 players, etc. Seniors who are eligible for Honors Study Hall have parental permission can leave at 2:40 p.m. Students in Honors Study Hall can go to the Media Center for a quiet working environment

9 Available for students grades 10-12 Students main focus must be geared towards educational activities/projects Any students with a disciplinary violation (including unexcused absence or excessive tardies) will lose the privilege of Honors Learning Lab After the second “loss of privilege” from Honors Learning Lab, students are no longer eligible for Honors for the remainder of the school year.

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