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Personal Oracle8i Create a new user Create a new table Enter data into a new table Export & import data Start and exit SQL Plus SQL Plus Syntax.

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Presentation on theme: "Personal Oracle8i Create a new user Create a new table Enter data into a new table Export & import data Start and exit SQL Plus SQL Plus Syntax."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personal Oracle8i Create a new user Create a new table Enter data into a new table Export & import data Start and exit SQL Plus SQL Plus Syntax

2 Create A New User - 1 Start Select Program Select Oracle-oracle8i_home Select Application Development Select Oracle8i Navigator Select Oracle8i Personal Edition Select Local Database Select User icon Right click mouse Select New

3 Create A New User - 2 Enter your name for the Name Enter your password for the New Enter your password again for the Confirm Select Role/Privilege tab Select Role Select << Select Privilege

4 Create A New User - 3 Select << Select OK

5 Create a New Table - 1 Start Select Program Select Oracle oracle8i_home Select Application Development Select Oracle8i Navigator Select Oracle8i Personal Edition Select Local Database Select Table icon Right Click mouse Select New

6 Create a New Table - 2 Select create table manually Select OK Select General tab Enter Faculty for the Name Select your name for the Owner Select Design tab Enter fid as first column name

7 Create a New Table - 3 Select number for fid type Enter 4 as the size for fid Make sure the can be null box is clear Make sure the unique box is checked Select fid as primary key for the table Enter flname as second column name Select char for flname type

8 Create a New Table - 4 Enter 10 for the size Make sure the can be null box is clear Make sure the unique box is clear Enter ffname for the third column Select char for the ffname type Enter 10 for the size

9 Create a New Table - 5 Make sure the can be null box is clear Make sure the unique box is clear Enter locid as fourth column Select number for the locid type Enter 4 for the size Make sure the can be null box is clear Make sure the unique box is clear

10 Create a New Table - 6 Enter fphone for the fifth column Select number for the fphone type Enter 10 for the size Make sure the can be null box is clear Make sure the unique box is clear

11 Create a New Table - 7 Enter frank for the fifth column Select char for the frank type Enter 4 for the size Make sure the can be null box is clear Make sure the unique box is clear Select OK

12 Input Data Into A Table -1 Start Select Program Select Oracle oracle8i_home Select Application Development Select Oracle8i Navigator Select Oracle8i Personal Edition Select Local Database Select Table icon Highlight and right click table named faculty

13 Input Data Into A Table - 2 Select Open Enter the first record Select the row label for row1 to select the row and right click Select Insert after, a blank row appear under row 1 Enter the second record

14 Input Data Into A Table - 3 Repeat the above processes until you finish entering data Select close button (X icon in the upper right corner) Select Yes to commit the data

15 Export Data - Method 1 Program MS-DOS Prompt Type exp user name/password (such as exp nancy/nancy) Specify export file (such as a:extf1.dmp where a: is the drive) Answer the questions to execute the expert program

16 Export Data - Method 2 Start Select Program Select Oracle oracle8i_home Select Application Development Select Oracle8i Navigator Select Oracle8i Personal Edition Select Local Database Select Table icon Highlight and right click table named faculty

17 Export Data - Method 2 Select Export to File Type a: for Save in Type a file name (such as f1baup) for File name Select Text for Save as type Click Save

18 Import Data - Method 1 Program MS-DOS Prompt Type imp user name/password (such as imp nancy/nancy) Specify Import file name (such as a:extf1.dmp) Answer the questions to execute the import program

19 Import Data - Method 2 Start Select Program Select Oracle oracle8i_home Select Application Development Select Oracle8i Navigator Select Oracle8i Personal Edition Select Local Database Select Table icon Highlight and right click table named faculty

20 Import Data - Method 2 Select Import from File Type a: for Look in Type a file name (such as f1baup) for File name Select Text for Files of type Click Open

21 Start and Exit SQL Plus Start SQL Plus –Start –Select Program –Select Oracle oracle8i_home –Select Application Development –Select SQL –Enter your name for User Name –Enter Enter your password for Password Exit SQL Plus –Enter exit at SQL prompt

22 SQL Plus Syntax - 1 Use semicolon (;) to terminate a statement SQL is not case-sensitive SQL statement can be entered into several lines Use comma (,) to separate attributes Use a pair of ll to concatenate strings Use a pair of single quotes (‘) for any character string

23 SQL Plus Syntax - 2 Use percentage sign (%) for a group of wildcard characters Use underscore (_) for one wildcard character Subquery must be enclosed in a pair of parentheses Table name limited to 30 characters, no reserved word

24 SQL Plus Syntax - 3 Attribute name limited to 30 characters, no reserved word

25 SQL Plus Statement Syntax - 1 LIST - displays most current SQL statements from buffer Line number - changes the current line number to the entered line number and shows the listed line number LIST line number - show the indicated line number text

26 SQL Plus Statement Syntax - 2 APPEND text - adds the entered text to the end of the current line CHANG/old text/new text/ - replaces an existing text string (old text) in the line with a new text string (new text) DELETE - deletes the current line INSERT text - create a new line after the current line

27 SQL Plus Statement Syntax - 3 SAVE file name - saves the most current SQL statements to a file GET file name - retrieves SQL statements from the file name R or / - runs the most current statements SPOOL - saves SQL statements, its query, and other results to a file –SPOOL file name –SPOOL OFF - terminates SPOOL

28 SQL Plus SPOOL File - Menu SPOOL file –Select File –Select Spool –Select Spool file –Type drive (such as a:) –Type file name (such as f1) –Select spool file (*.lst) SPOOL off –File –Spool –Spool off

29 SQL Plus View Table Structure View all of the tables –Select * form user_tables; View field definitions of a table –Describe table name –Describe student;

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