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This Presentation Developed By Drew R. Smith This presentation may be modified or reproduced by individual fire departments or training organizations provided.

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1 This Presentation Developed By Drew R. Smith This presentation may be modified or reproduced by individual fire departments or training organizations provided it is not used to generate revenue or in any commercial manner.


3 MABAS Division 3 Search Marking System PURPOSE When a company is assigned to conduct a primary or secondary search their efforts should include marking those areas searched. This Operational Guideline is designed to standardize the marking system used by all fire department which are members of MABAS Division 3.

4 MABAS Division 3 Search Marking System SCOPE This system is intended to be used on all structures EXCEPT single-family homes.

5 MABAS Division 3 Search Marking System It is recommended that all MABAS Division 3 fire departments employ this system during routine, intra- department incidents that so if mutual aid resources are requested the responding companies will understand what has been accomplished.

6 MABAS Division 3 Search Marking System REQUIRED EQUIPMENT Writing instrument. The recommended item is a yellow lumber crayon. However, chalk, ink markers, or other items may be used.

7 MABAS Division 3 Search Marking System GUIDELINES

8 MABAS Division 3 Search Marking System When a search team comes to a door and enters it to search they draw a large circle on the lower third of the door and write their company designator inside the circle near the top, as illustrated below.

9 MABAS Division 3 Search Marking System  After searching behind the door and completing the primary search a diagonal line is drawn through the circle.  A line from upper left to lower right is shown, but a line from upper right to lower left could be used as well.  A single diagonal line through the circle indicates the primary search has been completed.

10 MABAS Division 3 Search Marking System If the search team proceeds to the left or the right after finishing a room, they should indicate their direction of travel by drawing an arrow point in that direction inside the circle, as illustrated below.

11 MABAS Division 3 Search Marking System When a search team initiates a primary search on an entire floor of a multi-story building they should make similar marks on the stairwell side of the stairwell door:

12 MABAS Division 3 Search Marking System  When entering the floor draw a circle and write in your company designator.  Upon completion of search draw one diagonal line. As with floors, draw an arrow indicating your direction of travel. In the illustration below, the direction of travel is down.

13 MABAS Division 3 Search Marking System When a search team is assigned to conduct a secondary search they should write their company designator inside the circle of the primary search marking before they enter the room or area, as illustrated below.

14 MABAS Division 3 Search Marking System Upon completion of the secondary search, the search team should draw a second diagonal line inside the circle, perpendicular to the first diagonal line, forming an "X." An "X" will indicate that the secondary search is complete.

15 MABAS Division 3 Search Marking System When a search team initiates a secondary search on an entire floor of a multi-story building they should make similar marks on the stairwell side of the stairwell door

16 MABAS Division 3 Search Marking System  When entering the floor draw a circle and write in your company designator.  Upon completion of search draw a secondary diagonal line forming a "X".

17 MABAS Division 3 Search Marking System When a room does not have a door or the door is damaged the markings may be made to the left or right of the door on the wall, as illustrated below.

18 MABAS Division 3 Search Marking System Should you have any questions about this Operational Guideline you may contact a member of the MABAS Division III Training Officers Committee.

19 MABAS Division 3 Search Marking System The End

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