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Social Integration Eigen Haard Amsterdam Bolzano November 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Integration Eigen Haard Amsterdam Bolzano November 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Integration Eigen Haard Amsterdam Bolzano November 2015

2 Social integration and participation instruments Formal participation under the Tenants and Landlords Consultation Act Particiption through cooperation Self-management: cleaning and garden maintenance Neighbourhood partners: Students for Society, VoorUit Foundation Undivided city Mixed neighbourhoods created through variety of housing and target groups Council housing and the nonsubsidised sector, owner-occupied housing, target groups Task for neighbourhood development and urban redevelopment

3 Participation: formal, required by law Aim: influence and legitimacy Formal participation under the Tenants and Landlords Consultation Act (right to prior consultation and right of consent) 180 residents committees at complex level Cleaning, service charges, maintenance and the livability of the complex 6 local tenants’ organisations Performance agreements, local policy/activities and projects 1 central tenants’ organisation Discussion partner for housing corporation’s management board Binding nomination of 2 supervisory directors. Challenge: to be representative of tenants and act in a professional manner on their behalf

4 Self-management Better management together with engaged residents Residents know what is most needed to create a good place to live. Green Together Clean Together

5 Self-management Eigen Haard Residents take responsibility Keep communal areas clean Maintain communal (sidewalk) gardens Ownership, customisation and control Lower costs Engagement and contacts Pride Eigen Haard helps and supports Facilitates initiatives Offers a range of self-management products

6 Self-management Clean together

7 Social ownership More self- management by residents Cleaner neighbour- hood Less litter Safe neighbour- hood Less burglary and vandalism Pleasant neighbour- hood More activities with residents + How does it work?

8 Self-management Eigen Haard Thinking differently, acting differently Porchway and neighbourhood belong to us all Less ‘we’ll do it for you’, more support Trusting residents to bring quality Thinking and acting together Thinking in terms of possibilities not rules

9 Neighbourhood partners Social sustainability @ Eigen Haard Why? To ensure long-term, respectful, sustainable and mutual commitment with local organisations so as to enhance services and actions to the benefit of neighbourhoods and their residents. How? Each partner takes responsibility Partner agreement with commitment by both parties Activities to empower residents (social ownership) on the road to self- reliance, Support for vulnerable residents Cleaner, safer and more comfortable neighbourhoods

10 Results and benefits Stakeholder involvement Increased livability of neighbourhoods Eigen Haard’s image improved: a partner not an institution Increased effectiveness, specific knowledge of the neighbourhood Real-estate value

11 Students for Society, VoorUit Foundation Cooperation between corporations, university and municipality Aim is to improve integration and encourage participation Active in deprived neighbourhoods and neighbourhoods in transition 3 pillars: meeting; language and talent; active citizenship. Focus: children Plan for each neighbourhood in cooperation with partners and residents.

12 Students Selected students Have temporary free housing in homes due for renovation or demolition Do 10 hours’ community service per week in community rooms: music lessons, homework supervision etc Each student has a contact family and contact once a week (meals, helping with forms etc). The meetings create mutual understanding, social network, integration. Students often maintain long-term contact and settle in the neighbourhood.

13 Scope 9 community centres 74 students actively involved 113 activities per week 122546 hours spent 67381 cups of tea consumed 131344 residents reached

14 Eigen Haard Makes homes available to students. And uses homes and business premises as community rooms.. Active participation in the steering group.

15 Thank you!

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