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Fiscal Advisory Committee 2005-2006 Highlights. Committee Charge The purpose of this committee shall be to review the University's fiscal resources and.

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Presentation on theme: "Fiscal Advisory Committee 2005-2006 Highlights. Committee Charge The purpose of this committee shall be to review the University's fiscal resources and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fiscal Advisory Committee 2005-2006 Highlights

2 Committee Charge The purpose of this committee shall be to review the University's fiscal resources and to make recommendations regarding the utilization of these fiscal resources to the President's Administrative Council.

3 Committee Charge The committee shall focus its efforts on the following activities: becoming knowledgeable about the internal and external mandates that affect the allocation of the University's fiscal resources; examining the University's plans and priorities in making recommendation regarding current and on going initiatives; reviewing and commenting on the University's operational budget; advising or recommending the disbursement of supplemental and discretionary funds as they become available;

4 Committee Charge The committee shall focus its efforts on the following activities: providing input in the development of reports for the University of Maryland System and for the Maryland Higher Education Commission on the University's fiscal allocation plans and actions; and reviewing the University's annual expenditures and providing an annual report to the Salisbury University Forum that summarizes fiscal activity for the year in meeting the University's mandates and priorities.

5 Committee Charge The committee shall consist of the Vice President of Business and Finance (ex-officio and non- voting) (Mitchell); five faculty serving three-year terms (Diriker, Dunn, Horne, Laird, Long) three staff serving three-year terms (Gray, Rayne, Emery); and two students serving one-year terms (Kevin Dallaire, Sara Pagano)

6 Special Thanks to:  Greig Mitchell  Alan Selser  Betty Crockett

7 2004 and onward  Continued use of SU Campus Governance webpage which  Provides links to detailed information on the committee’s activities

8 Summer 2005  Developed Budget Communication Outline Serves as a guide to committee operations based on proposed dates Provides the committee with a structure based on dates and budget related activities Available from the committee’s main page:main page:

9 September and October, 2005  Financial projections for the year available at: htm  Clarified role of committee within existing university governance structure  Followed news and updates on tuition and fees  Developed an annual process for supplemental funding whether or not funding is available

10 Supplemental Funding Process  Send out request for list of priorities to vice presidents during fall Memo available from committee webpage Memo available  Deadline for priority lists from vice presidents January 31  Determination of possible funding by April  Recommendations to President’s Administrative Council by May 1  Allocations determined during May by administration (pending)

11 November, 2005  Kevin Mann presented information related to physical plant projects  To view current listing of projects, take the link from the committee page or:  Discussed Teacher Education and Technology Center (TETC) needs  Investigated fees for part-time students

12 January, 2006  Working with possible impact of governor’s budget on SU and USM  Administration & finance shared the SU FY 2007 request Mandatory costs Possible, negotiable program initiatives  Additional staff &faculty  Conversions  Operating expenses  Many others

13 January, 2006  Working with possible impact of governor’s budget on SU and USM  Considered two scenarios: (1) tuition increase of 4.5% (2) no tuition increase  Received memorandum and instructions to be used to justify increasing operating budgets across campus  Committee will provide input after receipt of priorities from VP’s (pending)

14 February 2006  Priority lists for supplemental funding distributed to committee Funding level, if any unknown  Committee would prioritize funding based on: Possible funding Attention to issues such as  Health and safety  Enhancing academics  Attention to economy and efficiency  Consideration of the Academic Long Range Plan  others

15 February 2006  Capital Budget issues: How and when is a building placed in line for construction? Not determined by SU; determined at the state level Parking

16 March, 2006  Possible supplemental funding still unknown  Middle States Standards and Site visit  Faculty Senate determines it will form its own finance committee to address faculty issues  Committee discusses priority lists

17 April, 2006  Committee established funding priorities and distributed recommendations per committee charge: sample pagesample page  Funding level = $426,638 after $556,000 obligations  More information in April 21, 2006 notesApril 21, 2006 notes

18 Pending end of year activities  FY 2007 budget allocations with possible needs: New positions (staff and faculty) Eliminate reliance on Auxiliaries to balance E&G Operating budget enhancements Faculty recruitment/retention Admissions/marketing plan

19 Pending end of year activities  FY 2007 budget allocations with possible needs: PC and smart classroom equipment fund Ward Museum Reclassifications (non-exempts) Contingent II conersions Equipment fund – flet One time needs: TETC, IT Leg Audit, Electrical loop, PeopleSoft Upgrade

20 Pending end of year activities  Committee annual report  Committee guidelines  Committee chair guidelines

21 Questions?


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