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The Renaissance Table 5. What is the Renaissance? Period of European history that began in Italy and spread to the rest of Europe. Characterized by urban,

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Presentation on theme: "The Renaissance Table 5. What is the Renaissance? Period of European history that began in Italy and spread to the rest of Europe. Characterized by urban,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Renaissance Table 5

2 What is the Renaissance? Period of European history that began in Italy and spread to the rest of Europe. Characterized by urban, secular (non-religious) society. Increasing wealth created new enjoyment of material things.

3 Key Terms Humanism- based on study of Classics, the literary works of Greece and Rome Vernacular- Language spoken in their own regions Perspective- Painting technique that shows the correlation between distance and apparent size Fresco- Painting on fresh, wet plaster with water-based paints

4 Leonardo DaVinci Skills Painter Sculptor Architect Inventor Mathematician Scientist Grave Robber Famous Pieces Mona Lisa Last Supper Baby in Womb Virgin on the Rocks

5 Donatello Skills Painter Sculptor Famous Pieces Bronze David- criticized for having a “promiscuous” feather on David’s leg St. George

6 Raphael Skills Painter Tapestry Maker Interior Designer for the Vatican Famous Pieces Madonnas Frescoes in Vatican School of Athens

7 Michelangelo Skills Painter Sculptor Architect Poet Famous Pieces Figures on Sistine Chapel Marble David

8 Machiavelli Skills Writer Politician Famous Pieces The Prince- Morals don’t matter in politics; the government must take any means to get things done.

9 Petrarch Skills Humanist Author Famous Pieces Looked for Greek and Roman manuscripts Roman biographies Vatican library Believed in pure Latin Humanism

10 Gutenburg Skills Inventor Goldsmith Publisher Famous Pieces Printed first book in 1439 with movable type printing press

11 Shakespeare Skills Playwright Poet Director Famous Works Romeo and Juliet Hamlet The Tempest Midsummer Night’s Dream Sonnets

12 Lorenzo DeMedici Skills Statesman Ruler of Florentine Republic Patron of the Arts Famous Works Ran by force, intimidation and money Bought Pope ATM System Sponsored Donatello

13 Brunelleschi Skills Architect Engineer Famous Pieces Il Duemo- first free- standing dome since Romans Florence Cathedral Linear Perspective

14 Durer Skills Engraver Mathematician Painter Printer Theorist Famous Pieces Adoration of the Magi Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Rhinoceros (printed without Durer ever seeing a rhino)

15 Botticelli Skills Painter Famous Pieces Birth of Venus Primavera Known for naked women and babies

16 Portraiture and Commerce Artists created portraits of rich people Explorers traveled to find new textiles and dyes for paintings Increased income from outside sources

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