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1 BANK EXAM ONLINE COACHING Computer Awareness 3

2 07 08 09 Software Data Communication Internet Microsoft Windows 10

3 Software  Software means computer instructions or data.  Anything that can be stored electronically is software, in contrast to storage devices and display devices which are called hardware.  Software is often divided into two categories 1.Systems software 2.Applications software

4 System software :  Includes the computer programs that run a computer system itself or that assist a computer in running application programs.  It also includes the documentation that describes how these programs operate.  System software consists of: 1. Operating system 2. Utilities

5 Operating System :  An operating system (OS) is an integrated set of specialized programs which permit the continuous operation of a computer from one program to the next with the minimum amount of operator intervention.  Through the OS the computer can supervise its own operations by automatically calling in the application programs, translating any other special service programs, and managing the data to produce the desired output.

6 Multiprogramming : Multiprogramming is the process of combining hardware and software to create a situation in which more than one program may be held in main store at any one time. Multiprocessing : Multiprocessing is the execution of two or more different programs at the same time. Loosely Coupled Multiprocessing : In loosely coupled multiprocessing a collection of relatively autonomous systems are used.

7  Functionally Specialized Processors : Such as an I/O processor. There is a master, general-purpose CPU.  Tightly Coupled Multiprocessing: In it a set of processors share a common memory. They are controlled by the operating system.

8 Parallel Processing : They are tightly coupled multiprocessors that can execute a job in parallel. A number of desirable features of a comprehensive operating system are:  Job control language  Failure and recovery  File security  Logging  Scheduling  Monitoring system status  Multi-access control

9 Utilities These are programs or routines which carry out certain procedures which are common to virtually all applications. Utility software performs needed services such as :  Sorting records into a particular sequence for processing  Merging several sorted files into a single large updated file.  Transferring date from one I/O device to another.  Printing of files held on backing storage.  Printing the contents of main memory.

10 Data Communication  Data communication is the transmission of electronic data over some media. The media may be cables, microwaves.  Four basic elements are needed for any communication system are: A.Sender B.Medium C.Receiver D.Protocols

11  Sender: The computer or device that is used for sending data is called sender, source or transmitter. In modern digital communication system, the source is usually a computer.  Medium: The means through which data is sent from one location to another is called transmission medium.  Receiver: The device or computer that receives the data is called receiver. The receiver can be a computer, printer or a fax machine.  Protocols: There are rules under which data transmission takes place between sender and receiver.

12 Internet  The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite to link several billion devices worldwide.  It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies.

13 How does Internet Work  A computer network by definition allows sharing of resources. Since all software resources exist in computers in the form of files of data, one of the key aspect in network of many computers is to move data between two specific computers.  For such a communication, we require the address of the destination for safe means of moving data in the form of electronic signals.  As far as safe movement of data is concerned, there exists a set of rules, which govern the sending and receiving of data on the Internet.

14 Important terms to remember:  Connecting to Remote Machine with Telnet : Telnet is a program that allows an Internet host computer to become a terminal of another host on the Internet.  Gopher : Gopher displays a set of resources on the Internet in the form of menus or lists of items.  HTML :The Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a language used for creating documents for the World Wide Web.

15  SGML : Standard Generalised Marken Language (SGML) is used for defining the structure and managing the contents of any digital document.  World Wide Web.: It is a huge collection of hypertext pages on the internet. It is one of the most flexible and exciting tools in existence for surfing the internet  HTTP : Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP) is used to manage the links between one hypertext document and another.

16  Home page : It is an initial starting page. A home page on the Internet may be related to a single person, a specific subject, or to a corporation, and is a convenient jumping-off point to other pages or resources.  URL : Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a method of,accessing Internet resources.  Browser : An application program used to explore Internet resources.

17  Web browser : A World Wide Web client application that lets you look at hypertext documents and follow links to other HTML documents on the Web.  Modem: Contraction of modulator/demodulator; a device that allows a computer to transmit information over a telephone line  Internal modem: A modem that plugs into the expansion bus of a personal computer.

18  External modem: A stand- alone modem separated from the computer and connected by a serial cable.  modem: In communication, a popular file transfer protocol is available in many' off-the-shelf and shareware communications packages, as well as on many bulletin boards these are modems.  Y-modem: Y-modem, a variation of the X-modem protocol, divides the data for the transmission into blocks; each block consists of the start-of-header character, a block number, 1 K of data, and a checksum..

19  Z-modem: Z-modem is similar to X-modem and Y- modem but is designed to handle larger data transfer with fewer errors.  Post : An individual article or e-mail message sent to a USENET newsgroup or to a mailing list, rather than to a specific individual.  Uudecode : To convert a text file created by the Unix uudecode utility back into its original binary form.

20 Microsoft Windows  Microsoft Windows is a series of graphical interface operating systems developed, marketed, and sold by Microsoft.  Microsoft introduced an operating environment named Windows on November 20, 1985 as a graphical operating system shell for MS­DOS in response to the growing interest in graphical user interfaces.

21 Fore More Information Visit Our Site

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