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Presentation on theme: "GOLD UNIT 4 - IT SECURITY FOR USERS (2 CREDITS) Cameron Simpson."— Presentation transcript:


2 SELECT AND USE APPROPRIATE METHODS TO MINIMISE SECURITY RISK TO IT SYSTEMS AND DATA 1.1 I can describe the security issues that may threaten system performance. Viruses are security issues that may threaten system performance. A virus is a code that can copy itself and naturally has a harmful effect, such as corrupting the system or destroying data. Spyware is a security issue that may threaten data. Spyware is software that allows a user to get hidden information about someone else's computer activities by transmitting data secretly from their hard drive. Spam is also a security issue that may threaten data. Spam is irrelevant messages sent over the internet which advertise websites and products.

3 SELECT AND USE APPROPRIATE METHODS TO MINIMISE SECURITY RISK TO IT SYSTEMS AND DATA 1.3 I can describe the threats to system and information security and integrity. Phishing is collecting information on someone's online bank and credit card. Emails are then sent to claim to be from reputable companies. To have a strong password is important because it less likely for people to hack into any of your accounts. This is because it is not easy to guess. It is dangerous to leave your computer logged on because if someone was ever to get hold of the computer then they could possibly send false information claiming to be yourself to others

4 SELECT AND USE APPROPRIATE METHODS TO MINIMISE SECURITY RISK TO IT SYSTEMS AND DATA 1.5 I can describe ways to protect hardware, software and data and minimise security risk. It is important to have an individual password which gives only yourself access to your accounts. This is so that nobody else can gain access to your accounts. We back up files because just in case of any viruses or memory loss of ones computer. Firewalls are used to protect systems. This minimises security risk by blocking unauthorised access.

5 SELECT AND USE APPROPRIATE METHODS TO MINIMISE SECURITY RISK TO IT SYSTEMS AND DATA 1.7 I can describe why it is important to backup data and how to do so securely. Data needs to be backed up simply because something could accidently be deleted, hard disks could fail and there could also be a disastrous issue which leads to the device with the information on breaks. To back up your files in more than one space is important because there is a possibility that one of your other back up files could get damaged/lost.

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