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ASTM BMP Selection Case Study John Simon, ASTM Task Group Lead Gnarus Advisors LLC.

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Presentation on theme: "ASTM BMP Selection Case Study John Simon, ASTM Task Group Lead Gnarus Advisors LLC."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASTM BMP Selection Case Study John Simon, ASTM Task Group Lead Gnarus Advisors LLC

2 Case Study Introduction vProject history and overview vRemedy discussion vBMP Evaluation Process vNotable environmental, social and economic BMPs vHow green and sustainable remediation helped the overall project 2

3 Project Overview 3

4 Project Approach – Community Engagement vDeveloped project website vWorked with town council and a Community Advisory Panel vInvolved community in remedy selection vEPA recognized community members with awards vImplemented community relations plan vStakeholder-driven re-use planning process for both commercial and ecological areas 4

5 Remedial Strategy 5 Protective Cover System Consolidation Cell #1 Sediment Removal Consolidation Cell #2 GW Treatment Low Perm. Wall ISTT for DNAPLs

6 Vision for Ecological Enhancements 6

7 7

8 BMP Evaluation (Section 6) v Step 1 – BMP Opportunity Assessment –Created BMP tables for each aspect of the remedy uSampling and Analysis uContainment/Capping uGroundwater Pump & Treat uDredging uIn-situ Thermal Treatment uSocial aspects uEconomic aspects –Expanded table with BMPs not previously included –Checked all BMPs that were potentially applicable 8

9 BMP Evaluation (Section 6) vStep 2 – BMP Prioritization –Checked core elements, added columns for priority and retained –Ranked BMPs as 3 (high), 2 (medium) or 1 (low) –Sorted table –Repeated for each aspect of the remedy 9

10 Applying BMP Table to the Site (Section 6) 10

11 BMP Evaluation (Section 6) v Step 3 – BMP Selection –Added comments column and included explanation of why not retained –Used professional judgment to identify BMPs –Checked table with selected BMPs –Sorted table –Repeated for each aspect of the remedy 11

12 BMP Evaluation (Section 6) v Step 4 – BMP Implementation –Determined which BMPs could be or were applied –Documented why BMPs retained from Step 3 were not implemented v Step 5 – Prepared Report –Followed ASTM Technical Summary Format –Incorporated additional sections for social and economic BMPs 12

13 Environmental BMPs Implemented Notable Environmental BMPs vOver 75 environmental BMPs vRemedy consolidated majority of contaminated materials under engineered caps vCreating on-site wetlands vUtilizing blast furnace slag for hydraulic barrier wall construction vUtilizing geotextile bags for dewatering contaminated sediments vOperating P&T in pulsed mode and adjusting pumping to match river’s tidal elevation changes vSelecting re-vegetation requiring minimal mowing vManaging drilling wastes on-site under caps vUsed field screening DNAPL dyes to control investigation progress real-time 13

14 BMPs Implemented (cont.) Environmental BMPs Identified for ISTT v15 BMPs for thermal treatment alone vExamples include: –Insulating piping –Recovering electrodes –Using local labor and labs, when possible –Employing variable frequency drives –Segregating drilling waste and placing under caps (if possible) 14

15 Social BMPs vDeveloped project website vWorked with town council and Community Advisory Panel vStakeholder-driven re-use planning process vInvolved community in remedy selection vEPA recognized community members with awards vProvide nature trails vMaintained eco-diversity (yes, this is a social BMP because popular with community) 15

16 Economic BMPs vLocal buying commitment, including web-based form on website vCreated local jobs vRe-use planning included a market analysis vProviding redevelopment opportunities vStill a work in progress and re-development planning is in process 16

17 Examples of GSR Benefits vPromoting economical, yet green BMPs; many BMPs saved money vShifted media and public perception from negative to positive – improved corporate social responsibility vCommunity is more supportive of the cleanup vCreated local jobs vCommunity can utilize ecological resources vEnhanced regulatory acceptance of remedy vStakeholders can showcase success 17

18 Questions? v John Simon, ASTM Task Group Lead, Gnarus Advisors LLC 18

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