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Checklist of quality aspects The checklist is intended to aid subpanels when reading self-evaluation reports and formulating questions for the site visit.

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Presentation on theme: "Checklist of quality aspects The checklist is intended to aid subpanels when reading self-evaluation reports and formulating questions for the site visit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Checklist of quality aspects The checklist is intended to aid subpanels when reading self-evaluation reports and formulating questions for the site visit. The listed aspects are cornerstones in the KTH quality assurance policy as well as key elements in the EAE self-evaluation process. KTH would therefore appreciate the subpanel’s feedback on these aspects.

2 Quality aspects Base your impressions on Consider against 1 EAE self-evaluation process and regular quality assurance procedures, e.g. Involvement of various stakeholders in the self-evaluation process Existence of a vibrant quality culture including “Quality circles” or equivalent self-evaluation Q3-4 site visit interviews KTH’s internal quality policy 2 Prerequisites, e.g. Competence (scientific and pedagogical) of teachers Student recruitment situation including students’ prior knowledge self-evaluation Q5 site visit interviews

3 3 Educational processes, e.g. Teaching and learning approach, and how they are linked to the expected learning outcomes Mechanisms for feedback and assessment, and how they are linked to the expected learning outcomes self-evaluation Q6 site visit interviews National qualifications descriptors KTH programme objectives 4 Learning outcomes, e.g. Quality of evidence (independent degree projects, course analyses, portfolios, etc.) to show that students have met the expected learning outcomes self-evaluation Q7 site visit interviews sample of independent degree project reports National qualifications descriptors KTH programme objective

4 5 Student retention, e.g. Student retention rates, including successful attempts to improve this self-evaluation Q8 site visit interviews 6 Graduate employability, e.g. Graduate employment rates, including successful attempts to improve this self-evaluation Q9 site visit interviews 7 Student satisfaction, e.g. Student and graduate satisfaction rates, including successful attempts to improve this self-evaluation Q10 site visit interviews

5 8 Sustainable development, e.g. Teaching and learning approach, and how it is linked to the expected learning outcomes related to sustainability Students’ ability to meet the specified learning outcomes related to sustainability self-evaluation, Q6-7 in particular site visit interviews sample of independent degree project reports KTH’s policy on sustainable development National qualifications descriptors KTH programme objectives

6 9 Internationalisation, e.g. International profile of teachers International profile of students Teaching and learning approach, and how it is linked to internationalisation self-evaluation, Q5-6 in particular site visit interviews 10 Diversity and gender equity, e.g. Gender distribution of teaching staff Gender distribution of students Teaching and learning approach, and how it is linked to diversity and gender equity self-evaluation, Q5-6 in particular site visit interviews

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