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GRAFTON HIGH SCHOOL – SCHOOL COUNSELING DEPARTMENT Mr. Chris Hanley (Director) Mrs. Rosalyn Isbell Mrs. Rosalyn Isbell Mr. Paul Waitrovich Kelly Rieck.

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Presentation on theme: "GRAFTON HIGH SCHOOL – SCHOOL COUNSELING DEPARTMENT Mr. Chris Hanley (Director) Mrs. Rosalyn Isbell Mrs. Rosalyn Isbell Mr. Paul Waitrovich Kelly Rieck."— Presentation transcript:

1 GRAFTON HIGH SCHOOL – SCHOOL COUNSELING DEPARTMENT Mr. Chris Hanley (Director) Mrs. Rosalyn Isbell Mrs. Rosalyn Isbell Mr. Paul Waitrovich Kelly Rieck (Admin. Asst.) Kelly Rieck (Admin. Asst.)

2 Typical comments made by GHS parents about their own School Counseling experience when they were in school… “I never saw my counselor…” “I didn’t even know who my counselor was…” “I didn’t even know who my counselor was…” “I didn’t know what my counselor did in our school…”

3 The Grafton High School Student’s typical “School Counseling experience”…

4 You are now 8th graders who will be attending Grafton High School this fall…  Two-part orientation program… 1st session deals with scheduling of Freshman classes, policy and program specifics, etc… 1st session deals with scheduling of Freshman classes, policy and program specifics, etc… 2 nd session is a photographic presentation in regard to GHS student life 2 nd session is a photographic presentation in regard to GHS student life  Eighth Grade Parent Meeting(s)  GHS counselors meet with JLMS Administrator & Counselor to discuss transition…

5 You are now a Freshman … o Freshman Orientation o “Open House” for parents o Freshman Career Unit o Freshman EXPLORE o Freshman Parent Meeting o Scheduling session for next school year o Student/Parent Freshman Conference o Formulation of “Individulized Learning Plan” (ILP) o Counselors/Admin hold monthly “At-Risk” meetings to discuss student needs o And if you need additional assistance…

6 You are now a Sophomore…  “Open House” for parents  PLAN/WKCE testing  Two part Sophomore Career Unit Career exploration (CareerCruising) Career exploration (CareerCruising) Post-secondary education exploration (CareerCruising) Post-secondary education exploration (CareerCruising) Review of GHS, post high school goals… Review of GHS, post high school goals…  Sophomore Parent Meeting  Scheduling session for Junior year  Counselors/Admin hold monthly “At-Risk” meetings to discuss student needs  And if you need additional assistance…

7 You are now a Junior…  “Open House” for parents  PSAT/ASVAB testing  Junior/Parent conference  Junior Career Unit (CareerCruising) Career Exploration Career Exploration Post-Secondary education exploration Post-Secondary education exploration  “Junior Parent Night” (at CHS)  Scheduling session for Senior year  College Seminar  Technical College Seminar  Opportunities Seminar  AP Testing  Counselors/Admin hold monthly “At-Risk” meetings to discuss student needs  And if you need additional assistance…

8 You are now a Senior…  Individual Senior Conferences  “Open House” for parents  College, Technical College applications…  Financial Aid Meetings (students & parents)  Scholarship Month- March (Kelly Rieck)  AP Testing  Final credit checks, parent contacts, etc…  Graduation Day Participation…  Counselors/Admin hold monthly “At-Risk” meetings to discuss student needs  And if you need additional assistance…

9 We are continuously reviewing and updating our curriculum and responsibilities… 8 th Grade Orientation & Registration 8 th Grade Orientation & Registration 8 th Grade Parent Meeting 8 th Grade Parent Meeting Individualized Learning Plans Individualized Learning Plans Freshman Orientation Freshman Orientation Freshman & Junior conferences with parents Freshman & Junior conferences with parents Senior Individual Conferences Senior Individual Conferences Freshman Career Unit & Survival Guide Freshman Career Unit & Survival Guide Freshman Parent Meeting Freshman Parent Meeting Sophomore Parent Meeting Sophomore Parent Meeting Seminars for Juniors (College, Tech College, Opportunity) Seminars for Juniors (College, Tech College, Opportunity) Financial Aid meeting (Students & Parents) Financial Aid meeting (Students & Parents) Sophomore & Junior Career Classes Sophomore & Junior Career Classes CareerFest CareerFest County-wide counselor meetings County-wide counselor meetings IEP Involvement… IEP Involvement… Communication with staff… Communication with staff…

10 Updates… (cont.) Meetings with individual curricular departments Meetings with individual curricular departments Facilitation of all testing Facilitation of all testing Participation by all counselors in SAP groups Participation by all counselors in SAP groups Increasing availability of scholarship materials Increasing availability of scholarship materials School Counseling web site updated: School Counseling web site updated: Formulation of Master Schedule Formulation of Master Schedule All schedule conflicts resolved by school year’s end All schedule conflicts resolved by school year’s end Minimal Summer hours/ cost benefit Minimal Summer hours/ cost benefit

11 “Thoughts for the present…”

12 Excitement for the future…

13 “The School Counseling Environment” Most importantly, we are working as one seamless unit/team, greatly increasing counselor productivity and positively influencing how we serve students, parents, and the rest of the school community… Most importantly, we are working as one seamless unit/team, greatly increasing counselor productivity and positively influencing how we serve students, parents, and the rest of the school community…

14 The future… We look forward to the challenges of each year and the potential of each student being realized…

15 We sincerely thank you for your time! QUESTIONS?

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