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Evaluating Online Sources Mrs. Tarr Fort LeBoeuf High School Library February 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluating Online Sources Mrs. Tarr Fort LeBoeuf High School Library February 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluating Online Sources Mrs. Tarr Fort LeBoeuf High School Library February 2011

2 Who created this site? Who designed this web page? What are the person or organization’s credentials? Is the site professional-looking and free of obvious errors? What is the domain name? –.com,.org,.gov,.edu

3 What is the purpose of the site? To educate or inform? To sell something? To persuade you to believe something? Can you tell fact from opinion? =

4 American Lung Association Cigarette smoking during childhood and adolescence causes significant health problems, including respiratory symptoms such as coughing, phlegm and wheezing; asthma-related symptoms; and impaired lung growth. Smoking is responsible for approximately one in five deaths in the United States. 90 % of adults who smoke started by age 21 and half of them had become regular smokers by their 18 th birthday.


6 What content is included? Are both sides of an issue presented? Is the site current? Look for a date. Does the site have information you have seen in print sources? Does the site have a lot of information, or is it limited in details?

7 Things to Remember: Authorship – who created this site? Purpose – what is the purpose of this site? What do the creators want me to do? Content – does it have legitimate information I’ve seen in other print and online sources? Currency – how old (or new) is this site?

8 Searching Tips: Search engines like Google search the entire world wide web. Subject directories like Yahoo search websites that human beings have researched. Vary your search terms – changing just one word in the search box can give you different results.

9 Googling tips: Add site:edu or site:org after your words –This will eliminate all of the.coms,.nets, etc. Use define: before a word to get a list of definitions. Use a ~ in front of a word and your search will also look for synonyms of that word.

10 Bibliography American Lung Association. 2008. 16 October 2008. http://www.lungusa.org Berger, Pam. 21 st Century Strategies for Strengthening Your School Library Program. Bellevue, WA: Bureau of Education & Research, 2008. Google. 10 September 2006. “Harry Potter.” 10 September 2006. High School Ace. 16 October 2008. “Smoker.” 10 September 2006. Valenza, Joyce. A WebQuest About Evaluating Websites. 2 January 2001. 10 September 2006. “Witchcraft.” 10 September 2006. Yahoo. 10 September 2006. Always cite your sources! (This includes images that you put in your presentation.)

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