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现在进行时 Book4. stand- sleep- eat- sing- drink- read- look- walk- watch- draw- fly- open- jump- do- learn- dance - close - make – ride – write - take - run.

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Presentation on theme: "现在进行时 Book4. stand- sleep- eat- sing- drink- read- look- walk- watch- draw- fly- open- jump- do- learn- dance - close - make – ride – write - take - run."— Presentation transcript:

1 现在进行时 Book4

2 stand- sleep- eat- sing- drink- read- look- walk- watch- draw- fly- open- jump- do- learn- dance - close - make – ride – write - take - run - cut – put – get- shop- skip-

3 stand- standing sleep- sleeping eat- eating sing- singing read- reading look- looking watch-watching draw-drawing open-opening do- doing learn- learning dance -dancing close - closing make – making write -writing take - taking run - running cut – cutting put – putting get- getting shop- shopping skip- skipping

4 Singing, dancing, singing, dancing, Reading, painting, reading, painting, cooking dinner, playing football, playing the guitar, listening to the radio, listening to the radio.

5 What is Yaoming doing now? He is playing basketball.

6 What is Susan doing now? She is swimming.

7 What is Kate doing now? She is doing her homework.

8 What is he doing now? He is cooking now.

9 What is she doing ? She is having breakfast

10 What is she doing ? She is running.

11 What are they doing? They are skipping.

12 现在进行时基本结构 主语 +am, is, are+ 动词现在分词 ※ 动词现在分词 : 动词原型 +ing 以 e 结尾,去 e 加 ing 双写加 ing cook cooking, play, playing do doing, have having swim swimming, run running skip skipping

13 疑问句 Be(Am, Is, Are)+ 主语+现在分词,如: 1. -Are you singing? 你正在唱歌吗? -Yes, I am. 是的,我在唱歌。 No, I‘m not. 不,我不在唱歌。 2. -Is he (she) listening to music? 他 ( 她 ) 在听音乐吗? -Yes, he (she) is. 是的,他 ( 她 ) 在听音乐。 No, he (she) isn't. 不,他 ( 她 ) 不在听音乐。

14 1. What are you doing? 你正在干什么? I am doing my homework. 我正在做作业。 2. What is he (she) doing? 他 ( 她 ) 正在干什么? He (She) is riding a bike. 他 ( 她 ) 正在骑自行车。 否定句 I’m not playing guitar. He isn’t listening to the radio. They aren’t fishing.

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