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Interactive Flashcards US History Vocabulary Review Goal 2 – Expansion & Reform Begin Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Interactive Flashcards US History Vocabulary Review Goal 2 – Expansion & Reform Begin Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interactive Flashcards US History Vocabulary Review Goal 2 – Expansion & Reform Begin Review

2 See the Answer Who was the leader of the Transcendental movement? Goal Two

3 Return to AnswerNext Question Ralph Waldo Emerson

4 See the Answer What idea was Henry David Thoreau advocating in his essay, “On Civil Disobedience?

5 Return to QuestionNext Question Passive resistance

6 See the Definition Name 2 people who were later influenced by the ideas of Henry David Thoreau.

7 Return to QuestionNext Question Gandhi & Martin Luther King, Jr.

8 See the Answer Which poet advised Americans to write as Americans instead of copying Europeans?

9 Return to QuestionNext Question Edgar Allen Poe

10 See the Answer Who wrote “The Last of the Mohicans,” and what was it about?

11 Return to QuestionNext Question James Fenimore Cooper The French & Indian War

12 See the Answer How did the artists from the Hudson River School portray nationalism?

13 Return to QuestionNext Question By painting landscapes

14 See the Answer Who was the leader of the Hudson River School of Artists?

15 Return to QuestionNext Question Thomas Cole

16 See the Answer Who was the most successful of the Second Great Awakening revivalists?

17 Return to QuestionNext Question Charles G. Finney

18 See the Answer Who was the mental health reformer?

19 Return to QuestionNext Question Dorothea Dix

20 See the Answer According to Dorothea Dix, should criminals be punished or rehabilitated?

21 Return to QuestionNext Question rehabilitated

22 See the Answer Alex de Tocqueville visited the US several times. What topics did he write about?

23 Return to QuestionNext Question Reform movements (prison & abolition) and democracy

24 See the Answer What did John Marshall decide in McCulloch v. Maryland?

25 Return to QuestionNext Question The Bank of the US is constitutional but to tax the bank is unconstitutional.

26 See the Answer What kind of policy is the Monroe Doctrine?

27 Return to QuestionNext Question Foreign policy

28 See the Answer What slogan is associated with the Monroe Doctrine?

29 Return to QuestionNext Question “Hands off the Western Hemisphere”

30 See the Answer What did the Monroe Doctrine mean for European countries?

31 Return to QuestionNext Question No more colonization in the Western Hemisphere (Americas)

32 See the Answer What were the 3 parts of Henry Clay’s American System?

33 Return to QuestionNext Question A protective tariff A bank Internal improvements (roads, canals, etc)

34 See the Answer What was the “corrupt bargain” according to Andrew Jackson?

35 Return to QuestionNext Question Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams made a deal in order for Adams to win in the Election of 1824

36 See the Answer What did Southerners call the Tariff of 1828?

37 Return to QuestionNext Question The Tariff of Abominations

38 See the Answer Who benefited from the Tariff of 1828?

39 Return to QuestionNext Question Northern Industries

40 See the Answer What event did the Tariff of 1828 lead to?

41 Return to QuestionNext Question The Nullification Crisis

42 See the Answer What was the spoils system?

43 Return to QuestionNext Question Giving government jobs to political party supporters

44 See the Answer What is another name for the spoils system?

45 Return to QuestionNext Question Patronage

46 See the Answer Who wrote the SC Exposition and Protest and what did it allow a state to do?

47 Return to QuestionNext Question John C. Calhoun A state could nullify or cancel a federal law

48 See the Answer What was the SC Exposition and Protest written in response to?

49 Return to QuestionNext Question The tariff of 1828

50 See the Answer What were the “pet banks?”

51 Return to QuestionNext Question State banks that Andrew Jackson deposited federal funds into once he vetoed the recharter of the Bank of the US

52 See the Answer What is universal suffrage?

53 Return to QuestionNext Question It meant that all white males could vote and that they no longer had to own property.

54 See the Answer How does universal suffrage differ from voting rights during the Federalist Period?

55 Return to QuestionNext Question With universal suffrage, you no longer had to own property in order to vote.

56 See the Answer Why was the Gag Rule passed?

57 Return to QuestionNext Question To prevent abolitionist petitions from being read in Congress

58 See the Answer Why did the Gag Rule upset many people, especially Northerners?

59 Return to QuestionNext Question Northerners believed the Gag Rule threatened their freedom of speech & press.

60 See the Answer What is “Manifest Destiny?”

61 Return to QuestionNext Question The nation’s undeniable fate to possess the entire continent.

62 See the Answer Which treaty ended the Mexican War?

63 Return to QuestionNext Question The Treaty of Guadalupe

64 See the Answer What became the border between the US & Mexico after the Mexican War?

65 Return to QuestionNext Question The Rio Grande River

66 See the Definition Which country did Mexico give up its claim to in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

67 Return to QuestionNext Question Texas

68 See the Answer What land did the US gain from the Mexican War?

69 Return to QuestionNext Question California, New Mexico & the entire Southwest

70 See the Answer What is the Mexican cession?

71 Return to QuestionNext Question All the land the US gained from the Mexican War

72 See the Answer What did the Wilmot Proviso propose concerning slavery?

73 Return to QuestionNext Question It prohibited slavery in the Mexican Cession.

74 See the Answer Did the Wilmot Proviso become law?

75 Return to QuestionNext Question No

76 See the Answer How would the US benefit from the Gadsden Purchase?

77 Return to QuestionNext Question It would provide the land needed for a transcontinental railroad.

78 See the Answer How was slavery to be decided in a territory according the Senator Lewis Cass?

79 Return to QuestionNext Question By the people

80 See the Answer Which state became a free state in the Compromise of 1850?

81 Return to QuestionNext Question California

82 See the Answer Excluding California, how was slavery to be decided according to the Compromise of 1850?

83 Return to QuestionNext Question By popular sovereignty.

84 See the Answer Allowing the people to decide on an issue, such as slavery, is known as?

85 Return to QuestionNext Question Popular Sovereignty

86 See the Answer What is nativism?

87 Return to QuestionNext Question A movement to ensure that native-born Americans are treated better than immigrants

88 See the Answer The Nativist party is also known by 2 other names. What are they?

89 Return to QuestionNext Question The American Party and the Know-Nothings

90 See the Answer What set the Nativist Party apart from the established political parties?

91 Return to QuestionNext The Nativists were anti-immigrant & anti- Catholic.

92 End of Review Begin Again

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