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Rocks & Minerals.

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Presentation on theme: "Rocks & Minerals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rocks & Minerals

2 Physical properties See, hear, touch, taste, smell
Density D = Mass ÷ Volume Hardness What it is made of

3 Minerals Are: * Solid, inorganic materials that form naturally on or beneath the Earth’s surface.

4 Naturally Occurring – not man-made.
Inorganic – not made from living things.

5 Identify Minerals Look at the Properties – characteristics that make one mineral different from other minerals.

6 Ways to Identify: Hardness Color Streak Luster Cleavage Density

7 Hardness Mohs Hardness Scale Ranks minerals from 1 (soft) to 10 (hard)

8 1 –Talc: flakes off w/ fingernail
2- Gypsum: scratches w/ fingernail 3 – Calcite: scratch w/ penny 4 – Fluorite: easy to scratch w/ steel nail 5 – Apatite: scratch w/ steel nail 6 – Feldspar: it scratches glass 7 – Quartz: can scratch steel & glass easily 8 – Topaz: can scratch Quartz 9 – Corundum: can scratch Topaz 10 – Diamond: can scratch all other minerals

9 Color Not good to use. Several minerals come in different colors.

10 Streak Color of a mineral’s powder.
Rub the mineral on a “streak plate”

11 Luster How a mineral reflects light.
Glassy, pearly, silky, metallic, earthy

12 Cleavage & Fracture Cleavage: split apart easily along flat surfaces. Fracture: irregular surface where it breaks

13 Density How much mass is contained in a given volume D = M ÷ V

14 Other Properties: Chemical reaction: fizzes with vinegar (Calcite)
Transparent – can see through it Opaque – pearly, cloudy Magnetic * High Mass

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