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Noah and the Truth Genesis 7:17-24 What does ALL really mean?

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Presentation on theme: "Noah and the Truth Genesis 7:17-24 What does ALL really mean?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Noah and the Truth Genesis 7:17-24 What does ALL really mean?

2 Noah and the Flood Genesis 6-8

3 Genesis 7:22-23 All died… In whose nostrils was the breath of the spirit of life That were on the dry land Living things ONLY Noah and those who were with him in the ark remained


5 How much space needed? – 188 railcars


7 Denver, Colorado

8 Matthew 24:37-39 What did Jesus say? His return would be similar to the days of Noah…

9 2 Peter 3:5-7 What would the scoffers say? “God never destroyed life on earth with a flood!”

10 Hebrews 11:1 Should I test this or just “believe”? What is faith anyway????? The ASSURANCE of things hoped for… The EVIDENCE of things not seen…

11 Test all things (1 Thess 5:21) Examine (like Bereans) Review the evidence… Your HOPE is not WISHFUL thinking – it is based on a fact

12 Why did Jesus come into the world? John 18:37 For THIS I came into the world… To testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.

13 The Bible is TRUE!!!

14 Truth vs. falsehood Truth Lie vs. God covered ALL land God destroyed ALL animals God destroyed ALL humans Whatever… Doesn’t matter

15 Truth vs. falsehood Truth Lie vs. God said - killing another person is murder A baby in the womb is a person Killing a baby in the womb is murder. Whatever… Okay in some situations

16 Truth vs. falsehood Truth Lie vs. God said - sex outside of marriage is adultery. God said - Only a man and a woman can be married. Anyone having sex who is not married is committing adultery. Whatever… Doesn’t bother me

17 Truth vs. falsehood Truth Lie vs. God said - do not lie. The government will require all citizens to pay taxes Anyone not paying the taxes owed and stating otherwise is lying. Whatever… It’s my money

18 Truth vs. falsehood Truth Lie vs. Good Works Religion Morality


20 What about you? Truth Lie vs.

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