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Olmec and Chavin. Olmec Meso-America Geographic and climatic diversity Economy:early advances in agriculture; corn, beans, squash Urban civilization Religious.

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Presentation on theme: "Olmec and Chavin. Olmec Meso-America Geographic and climatic diversity Economy:early advances in agriculture; corn, beans, squash Urban civilization Religious."— Presentation transcript:

1 Olmec and Chavin

2 Olmec Meso-America Geographic and climatic diversity Economy:early advances in agriculture; corn, beans, squash Urban civilization Religious and political elites organized labor for irrigation systems and drainage canals Artificial platforms for religious purposes and elite residences Little info about political systems


4 Olmec Polytheistic religion Deities blended male/female, animal/human characteristics Shamans organized religious life, developed writing system and produced a calendar


6 Chavin Andean region; mountainous core area, dry costal plain, interior jungles Geography contributed to specialized regional production and interregional trade Chavin at de Huantar located at the intersection of trade routes Dominated thru military force or cultural influence


8 Chavin Fish and mollusks supported the emergence of costal cities Maize enabled agricultural surplus Reciprocal labor obligations of a clan based society Llamas facilitated trade Multilevel packed earth platforms topped by small buildings Gold and alloy metallurgy, textiles, pottery Decline caused by increased regional warfare and disruption of trade


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