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© NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2012 Presentation title: 32pt Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 1 line © NHS Institute for.

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Presentation on theme: "© NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2012 Presentation title: 32pt Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 1 line © NHS Institute for."— Presentation transcript:

1 © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2012 Presentation title: 32pt Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 1 line © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2012 Welcome to the Partners In Care Webex 7 – 31st October 2012 Today's focus is on ‘Review of progress’ We will start at 8am @LynneMaher1

2 © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2012 Agenda for today’s WebEx Forthcoming Webex Dates –Wednesday 31 st October 8am- Review of progress- where you are and where you should be. –Wednesday 28 th November 8am- stories and narratives that have led to improvement action –Next date - ? Workbook review- update Your feedback needed Review of progress including update from Anne Tacon & Adam Gilshnan Time for questions

3 © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2012 Workbook review

4 © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2012 Well........ I need you Undertaking a review How is the programme, what do you think of this way of learning ( at a distance), what works, what does not work? Other comments always welcome Please complete the quick survey that we send around In addition we will ask a few people to have a more in depth conversation/interview

5 © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement 2009

6 © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2012 Have you achieved....? Setting up your team ( even if there are only two of you) Engaging with leaders Engaging with staff Engaging with additional consumers Identifying your project aim Identifying a group of consumers that you will work with Creating a short narrative Getting started on measurement

7 © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2012 The 7-step measurement process The seven step process makes the link between data collection, analysis, finding and reports patterns and communicating both the decisions and the process to patients and the public. We collect data from patients about their experience (both qualitative and quantitative), we analyse it (turn it into a format that helps us see patterns, trends) and then review our service in the light of this intelligence. In other words the data we have gathered help use make better decisions about how to move the service forward.

8 © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2012 Driver diagrams explained Decrease fuel costs Reduce price per litre Reduce miles driven Increase mpg Increase mpg Improve car efficiency Improve driving patterns Limit speed Use appropriate gear Use appropriate gear Drive smoothly Drive smoothly Aim Primary drivers Secondary drivers Tertiary drivers Actions/ Interventions Buy a diesel car next time Buy a diesel car next time Stick to 70 mph on motorway Get into highest gear more quickly Accelerate more slowly Book onto AA course Fill up at supermarket Combine journeys Use alternatives Plan ahead Work from home Cycle or walk short distances

9 Experience Based Design is about designing better experiences… © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement 2009

10 Collect stories/narrative from both patients and staff –Interviews –Story boards –Still photography and film provides compelling illustration –Diaries Observe patients and staff delivering and receiving the service © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement 2009 Capture experience…

11 Experience questionnaire © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement 2009


13 © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2012 Ann Tacon and Adam Gilshnan

14 © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2012 Put in the chat....... The methods you are using to capture patient /consumer experience For example......... Observation, emotion questionnaire, filming, diaries, photographs and so on Also say how many patients/consumers you are working with

15 © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2012 You really should be at this point by now

16 © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2012 Where do the days go? From 1 st November to 15 th March there are around 135 days Take away the weekends ( unless you want to work them) and now we have 99 days Assume that you will have 2 weeks holiday during the Christmas/summer break and now we have 89 days Your workbooks need to be in for final review on 25 th Feb. This means you actually only have 75 days......yes 75 days ( around 10 weeks)

17 Experience Based Design is about designing better experiences… © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement 2009

18 Planning an experience event © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement 2010. All rights reserved. working in partnerships with patients can create some apprehension, but it has the potential to transform health services Plan the date in advance Make sure everyone can get to the event Use ‘simple English’ Remember that staff are often as nervous as patients/family members Staff may try to ‘take control’ facilitation is important Do not leave without next action steps

19 Understand the experience There are three key techniques in this section – they are closely linked and one leads naturally on to the other: Identifying emotions © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement 2009 Emotions how people feel through their journey e.g. scared

20 Understand the experience There are three key techniques in this section – they are closely linked and one leads naturally on to the other: Finding the ‘touchpoints’ Mapping the emotions (highs and lows) to the touchpoints. © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement 2009 Touchpoints moments of engagement e.g. finding a car parking space


22 Identify what needs to change and co- design with consumers. © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement 2010. All rights reserved.

23 Action Planning A personal responsibility… Hugh McGrath-Patient Julie - Clinic Receptionist John Pickles-Consultant

24 © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2012 75 days!

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