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INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF MOROCCO School development report November 2015.

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1 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF MOROCCO School development report November 2015

2 ACCREDITATIONS & AUTHORIZATIONS  COBIS  BSO Inspection visit  Next steps: 3-year inspection cycle  NEASC  Full accreditation by December/ January  Next steps: 5 year cycle of self-study/ team visit  Action plan: KS3 curriculum, Governance self-evaluation, Staffing  IB/PYP  Current status: Candidate school  Next steps: consultant, authorization visit  Action plan: parent workshops, teacher training, unit planning

3 EXTERNAL ASSESSMENTS  MAP testing  Measures of Academic Progress (Northwest Evaluation Association)  October, February, May  SATS  Standard Assessment Tests (UK Department for Education)  End of year only  TO ADD THIS YEAR  WIDA English Proficiency  COMING UP  IGCSE (end of Year 11)  IB Diploma Program (Year 12-13)

4 SATS 2014-15  Given at end of key stages (Y2, Y6)  Information is used to help determine how ISM students, school wide and individually, are performing in relation to students within the UK  100% of KS2 students achieved expected levels (compared to 90% nationwide in UK)

5 MAP: HOW SCORES ARE USED  Scores given as a range  Normative data is used to measure performance against average scores in US and internationally  MAP data is only one piece of evidence used to determine student strengths  Individually: Used by teachers to help determine students strengths and weaknesses and set individual goals for growth  School wide: Get a picture of ISM performance overall relative to other schools (regional, International, US)  Scores shared at end of year with parents in Y3 on

6 ISM MAP DATA 2014-15  MAP 2014-15  % students achieving above the mean  Maths: 77%  Reading: 81% (100% in Y1-2)  MAP Autumn 2015  Y1-2:  Maths: 75% (67% of Y2 students scored more than one year above the average)  Reading: 81%

7 STAFFING AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT  New position this year: Year 7-8  Next to add: ESOL, French, Arabic  Professional Development  External  PYP  Lego Robotics  MAP Testing  In House  STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics)  6 Traits Writing  As needed

8 INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES  TECHNOLOGY  iPads, mobile laptop lab, sound equipment  Next steps: additional iMacs in classrooms, increase mobile lab units  CLASSROOM RESOURCES  Maths and science  ONLINE  Brainpop, 3 Ring, existing resources (My Maths, RAZ Kids, Reading A-Z)  LIBRARY  Titles added in English, Arabic and French  LANGUAGE  Leveled readers in Arabic  Next step: leveled readers in French

9 REGIONAL PARTNERSHIPS  Morocco  LEGO Robotics (Y1-8)  Speech and Debate (Y7-8)  Choir (Y5-6)  International  COBIS science films, poetry, art  Next steps  2016-17  Badminton  Swimming  2017-18  Model United Nations (MUN)

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