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Pg. 40 RTW Monday, October 19 th : What do you already know about tides? ● Objective: I will begin learning about tidal patterns and causes of tides.

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Presentation on theme: "Pg. 40 RTW Monday, October 19 th : What do you already know about tides? ● Objective: I will begin learning about tidal patterns and causes of tides."— Presentation transcript:


2 Pg. 40 RTW Monday, October 19 th : What do you already know about tides? ● Objective: I will begin learning about tidal patterns and causes of tides. ● Agenda: ● Tide notes pg. 41 ● Homework: ● None

3 Tides

4 ● Daily rise and fall of the ocean along the shore. ● Tidal range = the vertical distance b/w low and high tides. ● Tidal flat = the area b/w two tide levels

5 ● Gravity from the Moon and inertia!! ● Tidal bulge – the ocean bulges out on the side facing the moon due to gravity and on the opposite side of the earth due to inertia = high tide. ● Shallow areas between the bulges are where low tides are. Causes of Tides


7 Transitions Between Tides ● Flood Tide – a rising tide; tide b/w low and high tide. ● Ebb Tide – a falling tide; tide b/w high and low tide.

8 The Sun ’ s gravity does not have as much of an impact on tides as the moon b/c it is so far away BUT ….. ● When the Earth, Sun and moon are all aligned, the combined pulling forces produce the highest high tides and the lowest low tides called: ● Spring Tides (nothing to do with the season!). – occur during new moon and full moon which are 2 weeks apart. Spring Tides

9 ● B/w the new and full moon when the moon is in the first-quarter and third-quarter phases. ● Tides are not as high or as low = weakest tides Neap Tides


11 ● influence the tides include: 1. lunar and solar gravity 2. the imperfect sphere of the Earth 3. the season 4. the shape of the ocean basin 5. the Coriolis effect - the tendency for the path of an object moving in the Northern Hemisphere to deflect to the right, or to the left in the S. Hemisphere The Cause of Tides

12 A Tidal Day ● 24 hours and 50 minutes. ● Why is it not just 24 hours? ● Because as the earth rotates on its axis the moon is also revolving around us in the same direction. ● Therefore, when the earth finishes its full rotations, it takes 50 more minutes to catch back up with the moon. ● This explains why tides occur one hour later each day.

13 ● Objective: I will understand how tides are different depending on what part of the world they are in. ● Agenda: ● Finish tide notes (pg. 41/43) ● STAR (pg. 40) ● Homework: ● None Pg. 40 RTW Tuesday October 20 th : Which tide is stronger, a neap or spring tide?

14 ● A tidal pattern that has one high tide and one low tide in one tidal day. Diurnal Tides

15 ● A tidal pattern that has 2 highs and 2 lows of about the same strength in one tidal day. Semidiurnal Tides

16 A tidal pattern with 2 highs and 2 lows in one tidal day, and one set is much stronger than the other. Mixed Tides


18 ● Extreme tidal ranges can occur in bays or harbors that are open to the ocean. ● These are called tidal bores, which are solitary waves that move upstream when high tide comes in. They can be a few inches or up to 25 feet tall. ● ONLY happen during incoming (FLOOD TIDES)! Unusual Tides

19 This is a tide! uu-eO2s&safe=active

20 Storm Surge ● A strong wind, a storm, or a hurricane moving with or against the direction of the tide can cause an increase or decrease in the normal tide levels. ● Extremely important for builders to take this into account before building near the shore. ● B/c of this, storms hitting the shore during high tide will cause more damage than at low tide.

21 1. What is the incoming tide called? 2. What is the outgoing tide called? 3. What is the distance between the high and the low tide called? 4. What type of tide do you have during a full moon? 5. How many times a month are there neap tides? Pg. 40 S.T.A.R.

22 Pg. 40 RTW Wednesday October 21 st How might organisms be affected by the tides ● Objective: I will understand how to graph different types of tides. ● Agenda: ● Graph Tide Cycles ● Homework: None

23 ● Pick up: ● 1 set of tide tables ● 1-3 piece(s) of graph paper ● ??????= y-axis (dependent variable) ● ?????= x-axis (independent variable) - For the time you are looking at several days so make a scale that accommodates several days. ● Please title your graphs!!! Leave Pg. 42 for Graphing Tide Cycles

24 Graphing Analysis ● What type of tide pattern do you see in each of your graphs? (Diurnal, Semidiurnal, or Mixed) Label on graph! Grading rubric: 15 points total (3 graphs) ● 1 point: title ● 2 point: info on axis's labeled ● 1 point: type of tide identified ● 1 point: accurate graph of tide

25 1. Label each graph with the type of tidal pattern it exhibits (diurnal, semidiurnal, or mixed). 2. At which location would you be able to sit on your beach chair near the water and not have to move it much due to the tide? 3. Which location has the same tidal pattern as New Smyrna Beach? 4. Briefly explain why studying tidal pattern can be important, who do you think is impacted the most by tidal patterns? Analysis: Scripps Classroom Connection

26 Did You Know? ● The Coelacanth is unique in that it was discovered in the twentieth century despite how it was thought to be extinct. In late 1938 a Coelacanth was caught at the Chalumna River on the eastern part of South Africa. The crew that caught it thought it looked unusual so it consulted a museum in the town of East London, South Africa for assistance with identifying it. It turned out that it was a fish that was identified as being the same as that of what fossilized remains of a Coelacanth featured.

27 NO RTW Thursday October 22 nd ● Objective: I will understand how to graph different types of tides. ● Agenda: ● Graph Tide Cycles ● Homework: None

28 ● Pick up: ● 1 set of tide tables ● 1 piece of graph paper ● ??????= y-axis (dependent variable) ● ?????= x-axis (independent variable) - For the time you are looking at several days so make a scale that accommodates several days. ● Please title your graphs!!! Leave pg. 42 for Graphing Tide Cycles

29 Graphing Analysis ● What type of tide pattern do you see in each of your graphs? (Diurnal, Semidiurnal, or Mixed) Label on graph! Grading rubric: 15 points total (3 graphs) ● 1 point: title ● 2 point: info on axis's labeled ● 1 point: type of tide identified ● 1 point: accurate graph of tide

30 1. Label each graph with the type of tidal pattern it exhibits (diurnal, semidiurnal, or mixed). 2. At which location would you be able to sit on your beach chair near the water and not have to move it much due to the tide? 3. Which location has the same tidal pattern as New Smyrna Beach? 4. Briefly explain why studying tidal pattern can be important, who do you think is impacted the most by tidal patterns? Analysis: Scripps Classroom Connection

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