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Fleetwood Middle School Mrs. Langston 7 th Grade English/Language Arts (ELA) Open House.

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Presentation on theme: "Fleetwood Middle School Mrs. Langston 7 th Grade English/Language Arts (ELA) Open House."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fleetwood Middle School Mrs. Langston 7 th Grade English/Language Arts (ELA) Open House

2 Mrs. Langston * Associates Degree from Luzerne County Community College in Early Childhood Education * Bachelors Degree from Bloomsburg University in Elementary Education (K-8) **Masters Degree from Lehigh University in Special Education English certification 7 th – 12 th grade + 54 Credits Contact information: 610-944-7634, ext. 3223 7th grade English/Language Arts

3 Goals for the tonight: –To help parents understand the work their child will be doing throughout the school year. –To explain my expectations of their child. –To share information about how parents can support their child’s learning. Welcome Parents!

4 Describe what the students will study during the school year, including the overall curriculum plans and goals. Suggest ways that parents can help their child learn, such as reading together for 20 minutes a day. Curriculum Goals

5 Writing: Students will write for a variety of purposes: narrative, explanatory/informative, and argumentative. MLA format must be used for typed work. (MLA format information will be sent home and found online and in notebook.) Please encourage your child to PROOFREAD FINAL WORK, whether written or typed. Spending extra time checking what is written can eliminate careless errors. (Reading both forward and backward is a good strategy.) Writing assignments turned in late are subject to loss of points.

6 Literature: Novel…Not yet decided on title Shorter works of a variety of genres Article of the Month (nonfiction article given on the first Friday of the month…due the following Friday) Curriculum Goals

7 Grammar:  We do a variety of activities to practice grammar skills, from using the textbook or teacher- generated materials to practicing grammar skills in the writing assignments.  In addition, some memorization is used throughout the year.  Textbooks are not distributed. Instead, we use them in the classroom. Please feel free to request a book for home use if your child needs extra practice, is going to miss school for an educational trip, or has been absent. Curriculum Goals

8 Spelling:  Weekly spelling tests are not given. Instead, spelling grades are given on their writing assignments and will count as quiz grades.  All misspelled words must be corrected. Checks are placed in the left margin so students can search for the misspelled words and spell them correctly.  There may be times during the year when the students will receive lists of commonly confused words that they will be required to spell, define, and use in sentences. (Examples: capital/capitol; all together/altogether; every day/everyday) Curriculum Goals

9  Write an encouraging letter to their child.  On the index card that I handed out, please write a brief letter to your child encouraging them to try their hardest in 7 th grade. In-class Activity

10 Grading: 15% = Classwork 10% = Homework 25% = Writing 35% = Tests 15% = Quizzes Describe the amount of homework students can expect. Class Information

11 Donations of used middle school level books are always welcome for the Room 223 class library. Mrs. Langston participates in TAB/Scholastic book orders. Order online at Class code –DWNYN An added note related to READING:

12 Explain Power Teaching and how it is a built in behavior system. (View short video clip of Chris Biffle, the founder) 1.Everyone Participates. No Exceptions!! 2. Help and encourage others. 3.Explain your answers and challenge each other. 4.Stay on task while working in groups. If work is completed early, read silently. 5.Complete the task. Class Rules

13 Assigns students to four member teams containing mix of abilities The teams choose their own name, class phrase, and they receive recognition for progress and ability to work as a team Teachers use strategies to deliver active, well paced instruction – timing is essential when using a variety of activities Teams have the opportunity to practice new ideas in their teams, learn with and from each other on mastering new skills before working as an individual for assessment Teams are given a point scoring sheet that acknowledges their progress and achievement in key areas Students benefit from the team, sharing and developing ideas. They gain support from their peers which allows them to consolidate understanding through their discussion with others What is Power Teaching?

14 It allows continual assessment It allows individual and team feedback It creates team interdependence Students are motivated by common goal Students take responsibility for their own learning and that of others Students translate teacher talk into kid talk for one another Less teacher talk, more student lead What are the benefits?

15 Students learn to see situations from another’s viewpoint and justify their own viewpoint. They analyze and refine their own understanding Improves classroom management Provides resolutions to classroom conflict Students (and teachers!) have fun with learning It provides a reward system with gems/rewards etc. Continued…What are the benefits?

16 Why does it work? It works on the basis of : Equal opportunities for success Individual accountability Team Recognition

17 Co-operative Learning Points There are five main areas for which teams can be awarded points in every lesson Practice active listening skills Helping and encouraging each other Everyone participates Explain your ideas and tell why Complete tasks Bonus points can be given for homework tasks and individual assessment scores

18 10% What we READ 20% What we HEAR 30% What we SEE 50% What we SEE and HEAR 70% What we DISCUSS with others 80% What we EXPERIENCE personally 95% What we TEACH to someone else William Glasser’s Institute research says that we learn:

19  Effective learning within teams  Individuals become responsible for their own learning and that of others  Relentless learning – students never really have time to be off task  Learners teach each other  Learners become more focused on mastering a skill rather than completion of tasks  Students recognize understanding is their top priority What makes it work?

20 Immediately before bedtime is “a time when information best consolidates in long-term memory.” This is the time to drill math facts, practice reading skills, or review for a test.

21 “When a child writes, he unknowingly lubricates many of his brain’s assembly lines. Written output actually strengthens memory, language, attention to detail, problem solving, and other powerful brain functions, and it forces them to work together.”

22 “If you want to write well, it definitely helps to talk well. Encourage your children to verbally elaborate on topics, activities, or events that interest them. Language is like a muscle – it has to be used strenuously to become strong.”

23 From The Myth of Laziness by Mel Levine, M.D.

24 Questions?

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