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Psychology 3051 Psychology 305A: Theories of Personality Lecture 19 1.

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1 Psychology 3051 Psychology 305A: Theories of Personality Lecture 19 1

2 Psychology 3052 Announcements 1. Julie, TA for students with last names A-K, will not be able to hold her office hours today due to illness. However, she will be available for office hours tomorrow, 3:30-6:00, room 3606 Kenny Building. 2

3 3 2. Course evaluations will be available online until December 4 th. If you have not received an e-mail regarding evaluations, visit: Your feedback is extremely valuable—both to the Psychology Department and to me. I modify courses and provide feedback to TAs on the basis of student feedback. Please complete your evaluations for this course. Your evaluations will be secure and anonymous. 3

4 4 From last class ….

5 Rapid Reflection: Self-Regulation Perspective What is the “muddiest” point that you encountered in relation to the self-regulation perspective (1-2 minutes). Attempt to clarify your muddiest point with a classmate (2-4 minutes). 5

6 Highest level Goal 1 Input 1 C1 Output 1 and Goal 2 Input 2 C2 Output 2 and Goal 3 Input 3 C3 Ideal Self-Image (System Concept): Good Student Trait (Principle): Conscientious Output Behaviour (Program): Study notes every day. Hierarchical Feedback Loops 6

7 Psychology 3057 1.What are the primary assumptions underlying the organismic perspective on personality? 2.What needs did Maslow identify in his theory of self- actualization? 3.What attributes characterize “self-actualizers?” The Organismic Perspective 7

8 2. describe the hierarchy of conative needs. 8 1. discuss the three assumptions of the organismic perspective. 8 By the end of today’s class, you should be able to: 3. distinguish between conative and neurotic needs.

9 9 5.describe the attributes that are common to self- actualizers. 9 4. define the term “metapathology.”

10 Psychology 30510 What are the primary assumptions underlying the organismic perspective on personality? The organismic perspective makes 3 primary assumptions: 1. Humans have freedom of will and, thus, can determine the course of events in their lives. 10

11 Psychology 30511 3. Humans are inherently good and innately strive for growth and improvement. 2. Conscious experience is the primary determinant of behaviour and personality. 11

12 Psychology 30512 In contrast to many of the perspectives that we have considered, the organismic perspective presents a relatively optimistic image of human nature. Maslow (1968) stated: “Freud supplied to us the sick half of psychology and we must now fill it out with the healthy half.” 12

13 Psychology 30513 What needs did Maslow identify in his theory of self- actualization? Maslow’s theory views needs as motivational forces that determine behaviour. Maslow suggested that humans have 5 conative or basic needs: 13

14 Psychology 30514 (a)Physiological Needs Needs that pertain to the biological maintenance of the individual. Examples: Needs for oxygen, water, food, sleep. The only needs that can be fully satisfied. If physiological needs are not satisfied, physical ailments may arise. Survival may also be threatened. 14

15 Psychology 30515 (b) Safety Needs Needs that pertain to the physical security of the individual. Examples: Needs for shelter, protection, law, order, predictability, stability. If safety needs are not satisfied, fear, insecurity, and dread may arise. May result in the formation of basic anxiety within the individual. 15

16 Psychology 305 Examples: Needs for a supportive family, an intimate relationship, friends, companions, identification with a group. If belonging needs are not satisfied, 1 of 2 outcomes may result: 16 (c) Belonging Needs Needs that pertain to affiliation with others.

17 Psychology 305 Among individuals who have never experienced belonging, an incapacity for giving love may develop. Among individuals who have only inconsistently experienced belonging, an excessive desire for acceptance and approval may develop. 17

18 Psychology 30518 (d) Esteem Needs Examples: Needs for status, prestige, dominance, self- respect, self-worth, competency, mastery. If esteem needs are not satisfied, feelings of inferiority, weakness, helplessness, and self-doubt may arise. Needs that pertain to public recognition and to self- esteem. 18

19 Psychology 30519 (e) Self-Actualization Needs Needs that pertain to self-fulfillment. Examples: Needs to fulfill one’s potential, pursue one’s destiny, follow one’s intrinsic motivations. If self-actualization needs are not satisfied, feelings of restlessness, frustration, and disintegration may arise. The individual may experience a “loss of meaning to life.” 19

20 Psychology 30520 Physiological Needs Safety Needs Belonging Needs Esteem Needs Self- Actualization Needs  Maslow organized the 5 conative needs into a hierarchy: 20

21 Psychology 30521  Needs that perpetuate a dysfunctional lifestyle, foster stagnation, and contribute to pathology.  Maslow believed that neurotic needs are reactive— they develop in an effort to compensate for unsatisfied conative needs. 21 Maslow suggested that humans may also neurotic needs:

22 Psychology 30522  Neurotic needs are distinguishable from conative needs in that their satisfaction does not promote health: “Giving a neurotic power seeker all the power he wants does not make him less neurotic, nor is it possible to satiate his neurotic need for power. However much he is fed he still remains hungry because he’s really looking for something else. It makes little difference for ultimate health whether a neurotic need … [is] gratified” (Maslow (1970). 22

23 Psychology 30523 What attributes characterize “self-actualizers?” Examples: Jane Addams, Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Eleanor Roosevelt. Maslow studied individuals who had satisfied the first 4 conative needs and were focused on the satisfaction of self-actualization needs (i.e., “self-actualizers”). 23

24 Psychology 30524 Maslow identified 15 attributes that were common to these self-actualizers. These attributes can be divided into 4 groups reflecting distinct dimensions: 24

25 Psychology 30525 1. Awareness Efficient and accurate perception of reality. Strong ethical awareness. Continued freshness of appreciation. Periodic peak experiences (i.e., oceanic feelings). 25

26 Psychology 30526 2. Honesty Philosophical and nonhostile sense of humor. Strong kinship with all of humanity. Selective and deep friendships. Adherence to democratic values. 26

27 Psychology 30527 3. Freedom Need for privacy. Autonomy. Creativity.* Spontaneity, simplicity, and naturalness. 27

28 Psychology 30528 4. Trust Problem-focused rather than self-focused. Acceptance of themselves, others, and nature. Resistance to cultural conformity. 28

29 Psychology 30529 Maslow noted that self-actualizers also possess negative characteristics: “Our subjects show many of the lesser human failings. They too are equipped with … thoughtless habits. They can be boring, stubborn, irritating. They are by no means free from a rather superficial vanity, pride, partiality of their own productions …. Temper outbursts are not rare. Our subjects are … capable of an extraordinary and unexpected ruthlessness. It must be remembered that they are very strong people. This makes it possible for them to display a surgical coldness when this is called for, beyond the power of the average man” (Maslow, 1954/1987) 29

30 Psychology 30530 1.What are the primary assumptions underlying the organismic perspective on personality? 2.What needs did Maslow identify in his theory of self- actualization? 3.What attributes characterize “self-actualizers?” The Organismic Perspective 30

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