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Linking Poverty & Violence Against Women PPA October 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Linking Poverty & Violence Against Women PPA October 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Linking Poverty & Violence Against Women PPA October 2007

2 Startling Statistics 62,400 New Brunswick women live in poverty. (2001 Census) 51% of New Brunswick’s lone-parent families with children under 18 are poor. $24, 886 - LICO (before tax) $12, 193 - Average total income

3 Making the connection Victims of violence often face economic crises Poverty acts as a barrier to women moving forward after violence Until the physiological needs of women are met, it may be difficult for them to focus on their other needs – e.g. safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs. (Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs)

4 Is there a role for networks? Removal of barriers to service delivery Countering stereotypes about low income women Long term solutions to women’s economic security require a coordinated, comprehensive and inclusive approach

5 IN MY SHOES Developed by Saint John Urban Core Support Network

6 Last thoughts… “It takes tremendous strength and courage to continue on with their journey out of poverty. This is typically overlooked.” (Urban Core Support Network)

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