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1 UBA initiatives at IIT Kharagpur – 2014-2015 Debasis Roy ( ) and Dilip Swain (

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Presentation on theme: "1 UBA initiatives at IIT Kharagpur – 2014-2015 Debasis Roy ( ) and Dilip Swain ("— Presentation transcript:

1 1 UBA initiatives at IIT Kharagpur – 2014-2015 Debasis Roy ( ) and Dilip Swain (

2 2 UBA at IIT Kharagpur Core committee formed by Director, IIT KGP ▪With Prof Debasis Roy (CE) as institute coordinator, and Prof VK Tewari (Head, AGFE and RDC) and Prof PBS Bhadoria (AGFE and RuTAG coordinator) as members ▪Core committee is meeting every month since january 2015 to coordinate UBA activities in Kharagpur Participating units ▪NSS, AGFE, RDC, RuTAG, SMST and ATDC

3 3 Need assessment Survey at 23 villages ▪~1200 households ▪At 23 villages Water quality assessment ▪At 3 villages over last 6 months

4 4 State-of-affairs Meager income level ▪Annual per capita income often below Rs 3000 ▪Literacy rate comparable to nat. avg. but little higher education and vocational skill ▪High dropout rate Non-engineered infrastructure ▪~70 % of the houses are non-engineered Poor water quality ▪Elevated iron levels in drinking water samples

5 5 State-of-affairs… Poor sanitation level ▪~20 % or less of the households surveyed had toilets ▪High bacterial load in drinking water Over-reliance on firewood ▪Fulfills ~60 % of cooking need Extremely poor nutrition level ▪~80 % of primary school children are underweight, ~70 % malnourished

6 6 Ongoing activities Income generation ▪Organic farming: at Pariapara (Pilot: 1 farmer, 1 acre, peanut and sweet corn) and Upar Kenthia (14 farmers, 14 acres, ~70 % rice, ~20 % sesame, and rest peanut, soybean, and sweet corn) ▪Pisciculture at Upar Kenthia ▪Vermicomposting: Upar Kenthia and Pariapara (10 farmers, 30 beds) ▪Puffed rice: at Sholadahar (2 machines on trial run; ~100 kg/d; 20 women of 2 SHGs)

7 7 Ongoing activities… Income generation… ▪Tailoring training (in collaboration with SENATE, Kolkata): at Porapara; 35 women Nutritional intervention at schools ▪Pilot at Malma: 95 kids, 5-12 y ▪Eggs and fruits provided as midday meal supplement over 3 months ▪Malnutrition reduced from ~80 % to ~50 % Infrastructure ▪Shramdaan for road building at Balarampur (2.5 km), Malma (1 km) and Bolla (1 km)

8 8 Ongoing activities

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10 10 Ongoing activities

11 11 Planned activities Construction of toilet blocks ▪At Porapara, Gangadharpur and Nachna ▪Sustainable construction with pressed mud block and bamboocrete Construction of engineered houses ▪Also using sustainable construction with pressed mud block and bamboocrete ▪For two destitute families at Gangadharpur ▪Provide hands on training to skilled and semi-skilled manpower in sustainable engineered construction

12 12 Planned activities… Installing solar community cookers ▪At Gaighata, Upar Kenthia and Gholghoria promary schools ▪The school authorities have agreed to plough back cost savings at improving nutrition levels of midday meals ▪Long-term monitoring of the impact of this intervention on cognition levels of the beneficiary children Connecting the trainees participating in the pilot programs with markets

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