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AWIPS Readiness for New Satellite Products Mike Johnson (NWS/OBS) OCONUS Proving Ground 13 May, 2015 1.

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Presentation on theme: "AWIPS Readiness for New Satellite Products Mike Johnson (NWS/OBS) OCONUS Proving Ground 13 May, 2015 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 AWIPS Readiness for New Satellite Products Mike Johnson (NWS/OBS) OCONUS Proving Ground 13 May, 2015 1

2 Outline Scope Challenges Operational Direct Broadcast Deployment User Readiness Risk Reduction 2

3 Scope (AWIPS Satellite Product Readiness) Multiple new satellite products expected next 18 months. Current "snapshot" of scope includes (~130 new products): –Himawari (23 total / 12 critical) –GOES-R Baseline (38 / 20) –SNPP (38 / 25...most critical's for AR) –GCOM ( 7 / 1) –GOES-R added (11 / 2) –GPM (11 / 4) –Sentinel / Radarsat (1 / 1) –SMAP (4 / 0) –Direct Broadcast Unique (?) –CSPP-LEO ? –CSPP-GEO ? 3

4 Scope (continued) Rapid introduction of these products into operations due to "enabling" technologies about to be deployed. Enabling Technologies –Bandwidth Upgrades (Terrestrial & SBN) –Adhoc requests (PDA/AWIPS Data Delivery) –PDA subscription services –Direct Broadcast Forecasters will soon have greatly expanded product set available to them in AWIPS 4

5 AWIPS Satellite Product Readiness Challenges (A2 baseline development) A2-D2D and A2-NCP are on different operational deployment paths –D2D should be fully operationally deployed this fiscal year –NCP operational deployment will extend into FY16 and likely into FY17 NAWIPS-to-A2-NCP transition AWIPS Development (plug-in) Freeze expected in 2016 due to contract re-compete 5

6 AWIPS Satellite Product Readiness Challenges (Data Distribution) AWIPS Data Delivery functionality dependent on interface with PDA OGC interface. PDA deployment for GOES-R and SNPP will occur end of this year with very stressing development / testing schedule. Utility of PDA subscription services are short term dependent on terrestrial communications upgrades (mostly CONUS WFO impact) 6

7 GOES-R Baseline Product AWIPS-II Plug-in Status 7 Available in AWIPS-II Build 15.1.1 (8 September deployment) –Aerosol Detection –Aerosol Optical Depth –Clear Sky Mask –Cloud/Moisture Imagery –Cloud Optical Depth –Cloud Particle Size Distribution –Cloud Top Height –Cloud Top Phase –Cloud Top Pressure –Cloud Top Temperature –Derived Motion Winds –Derived Stability Indices –Downward Shortwave Radiation –Fire/Hot Spot –Land Surface Temperature –Vertical Moisture Profile –Vertical Temperature Profile –Rainfall Rate/QPE –Reflected Shortwave Radiation –Sea Surface Temperature –Snow Cover –TPW –Volcanic Ash Available in AWIPS-II Build 16.1.1 ( 14 December deployment) –Hurricane Intensity Estimate - Lightning Detection

8 Currently Deployed VIIRS Imagery Channels for AK Region (0.64 um, 3.74 um, 11.45um) Western Hemisphere NUCAPS Planned VIIRS Near-Constant Contrast Imagery est. July 2015 distribution, AWIPS 15.1.1 baseline Blended Products (e.g., Total Precip Water) Pending We would like to make many (most) other SNPP/JPSS products available when AWIPS Data Delivery functionality becomes available S-NPP/JPSS Products Planned for AWIPS SBN Addition

9 9 Operational Direct Broadcast Deployment (NWS GOES-R/H8 Re-broadcast Antenna-System Implementation Project) * NWS Sites Receiving GOES-R/Himawari Antennas. Some spare antennas not shown.

10 10 Site NameStart Civil Work Civil Work Complete Antenna Start Install Antenna Install Complete Rack Start Install Rack Install Complete Start CheckOut Complete CheckoutSAT StartSAT Complete Melbourne, FL12/22/20144/15/20154/20/2015 (GRB)5/1/2015 (GRB)3/2/20153/25/20155/4/20155/5/2015N/A Miami, FL3/20/20154/24/20156/3/20157/10/20157/31/20158/12/20158/5/20158/20/20158/27/2015 Norman, OK5/18/20157/3/20157/6/20158/12/20157/15/20157/27/20157/18/20158/15/20158/26/2015 Guam6/1/20157/14/201510/5/201510/16/201510/8/201510/15/201510/12/201510/19/201510/30/2015 Anchorage, AK6/15/20157/17/20158/31/20159/18/20159/9/20159/16/20159/3/20159/21/201510/2/2015 Honolulu, HI - H8RB7/27/20157/29/20157/30/20158/12/20157/30/20158/11/20158/3/20158/16/20158/26/2015 Kansas City, MO7/31/20159/18/20159/21/201510/30/20159/30/201510/12/201510/5/201511/2/201511/13/2015 Boulder, CO9/7/201510/23/201510/26/201512/3/201511/4/201511/16/201511/9/201512/5/201512/20/2015 College Park, MD9/15/201510/30/201511/2/201512/7/201511/16/201512/1/201511/19/201512/10/201512/21/2015 Honolulu, HI - GRB10/5/201510/7/201510/8/201510/21/20157/30/20158/11/201510/11/201510/24/201511/4/2015 Operational Direct Broadcast Deployment Deployment Schedule

11 11 AWIPS Support for Direct Broadcast Geostationary – expectation is that no unique AWIPS development needed – DB system output will conform to GOES-R and Himawari output standards – True for Harris and/or UW/CSPP-GEO Polar – expectation is that no unique AWIPS development needed – DB processing via UW/CSPP-LEO – DB system output will conform to SNPP/JPSS output standards

12 12 User Readiness Risk Reduction (Total Operational Weather Readiness-Satellites – TOWR-S) Objective – Evaluate the operational viability of GOES-R and JPSS satellite data and systems in support of the NWS forecast and warning missions How? work with NWS operations to develop a broad sample of NWS use cases and leverage GOES-R Data Operations Exercise (DOE-4) to validate entire system readiness

13 TOWR-S Milestones 13 EventDatePurposeStatus AWIPS Test #3Jan 20 – 23 2015 Stress testing of Severe Thunderstorm Warning and Red Flag Warning A2 Procedures, Himawari simulated imagery Complete Satellite Science Week Meeting Feb 23-27 2015 Side meeting - NWS Operational & Training Participation exploitation planning for AWIPS Test 4, Poster presentation Complete AWIPS Test #4May 11 – 15 2015 Stress testing of TAF, Dust Storm Warning, and Deterministic Hydrologic Forecast A2 Procedures Occurring NOW Proving Ground/User Readiness Meeting June 15-19 2015 Detailed planning for DOE-4 exploitation integrated across agenda Planned Ground Readiness Exercise (GRE) July 27 – Aug 2 2015 Dataflow checkout for DOE-4Canceled SOO/DOH Conference Sept 14-18 2015Daily weather briefings using simulated GOES-R dataPlanned DOE – 4 Oct 5 – Nov 11 2015 Full end-to-end data flow test from GOES-R Ground Segment to AWIPS-2 terminals at participating stakeholder locations (WFOs, National Centers, etc) Planned Post DOE & GOES-R OT&E TOWR activities 2016 Focused enhancements in AWIPS, integration of Direct Broadcast capabilities, CONOPS development, further enhancements of capabilities into NWS operations TBD AWIPS Tests – Coordinated with AWIPS-2 contractor Raytheon to evaluate AWIPS-2 functionality and performance under simulated GOES-R data load Data Operations Exercises (DOEs) – Validation of NWS capability to effectively integrate GOES- R products into the forecast and warning mission areas.

14 Summary & Discussion Many new satellite capabilities being fielded within the next 18 months – Exciting and Challenging! Challenges – AWIPS deployments, Plug in development, functionality with new distribution systems, inter-related projects being delivered at about the same time. NWS Forecaster Training. Direct Broadcast – Most Himawari and GOES-R systems being deployed this year. LEO systems – Alaska DB system should be declared operational by end of this year. Other systems Guam, portions of Mitchnet project could become operational in the future Risk Reduction – TOWR-S end-to-end validation...then 2016! 14

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