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OCLC Online Computer Library Center 1 Creating a Library Story.

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1 OCLC Online Computer Library Center 1 Creating a Library Story

2 OCLC Online Computer Library Center 2 Session Purpose In this session, we will discuss what makes stories compelling and how to create a memorable story for your library.

3 OCLC Online Computer Library Center 3 In this session, you will: Session Agenda 1.Discuss the importance of creating a compelling library story that will appeal to various target audiences. 2.Discuss important story content and style elements that can be used to build different kinds of stories. 3.Practice combining library messages, facts, and information to create a memorable library story.

4 OCLC Online Computer Library Center 4 Start with a Connection A good story should form a connection with your target audience and with the community.

5 OCLC Online Computer Library Center 5 Discussion: Case Study: Marco’s Library Story

6 OCLC Online Computer Library Center 6 The Impact of the Public Library Your library story should focus on the impact your library has on your community and the lives of the people who live there.

7 OCLC Online Computer Library Center 7 Remembering Your Audiences’ Perceptions The more you know about your target audiences and what they know, think, and feel about the library, the easier it will be to create library stories that will appeal to and connect with them.

8 OCLC Online Computer Library Center 8 Story Content and Style Elements Your main advocacy message or messages Anecdotes about individuals, events, or specific activities Quantitative data (important statistics, facts) and programmatic information Different story styles Compelling and effective story elements include:

9 OCLC Online Computer Library Center 9 Activity: Library Factual Story Video

10 OCLC Online Computer Library Center 10 Activity: Library Anecdotal Story Video

11 OCLC Online Computer Library Center 11 Activity: Library Inspirational Story Video

12 OCLC Online Computer Library Center 12 Activity: Integrated Library Story Video

13 OCLC Online Computer Library Center 13 Advocacy Action Plan Workbook

14 OCLC Online Computer Library Center 14 Activity: Practice Creating a Library Story

15 OCLC Online Computer Library Center 15 Reviewing our agenda: Discuss the importance of creating a compelling library story that will appeal to various target audiences. Discuss important story content and style elements that can be used to build four different kinds of stories. Practice combining library messages, facts, and information to create a memorable library story. Closing

16 OCLC Online Computer Library Center 16 Please fill out your Session Feedback Form. Evaluation

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