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Published byKory Stewart Modified over 9 years ago
Student Registration Project 1 Excellence in Administration - Student Registration Project Introduction to Banner Training 2011
Student Registration Project 22 Introduction to Banner Objectives At the conclusion to this course, you will: Understand the use of the Banner Application at DIT. Be able to access & log on to the system. Learn how to effectively navigate the system. Be able to work with some of the General Student Query Forms. Be able to find and query student data in Banner. Be able to run student reports in InfoView. Understand the Data Quality Monitor (DQM) Process.
Student Registration Project 33 Introduction to Banner Introducing Banner Banner is the Student Information System in operation at DIT. Provided by SunGard Higher Education, it has been customised towards DIT’s specific requirements. In doing so, it fuses the administrative and academic functions in order to record student information and run the associated academic processes. Banner supports the following functions : –Admissions process –Programme Registration –Module Registration –Exam Marks Entry –Exam Board Processing –Student Progression –Student Awards –HEA Student Statistical Returns –Student Finance processing
Student Registration Project 44 Introduction to Banner The Banner Application INB Internet Native Banner (INB) is the component of Banner run from an Oracle platform and is used by the Administrative offices to process student applications, register students, process exam results and perform students progression amongst other things. SSB Self Service Banner (SSB) is the online component of Banner that allows Students and Academic Staff to view information relating to modularised programmes. This may include the option for a student to pick modules at the beginning of each semester or for Lecturers to enter grades via EGB (Electronic Grade Book). EGB Student SSB INB
Student Registration Project 55 Introduction to Banner InfoView InfoView is a reporting application available to all users of Banner. There are numerous student reports available in InfoView which extract data from the Banner database. Reports are grouped into categories which include: General Student Reports Admissions Reports Fees & Grants Academic History Data Quality Reports
Student Registration Project 66 Introduction to Banner Accessing Banner 1.To access Banner, first go to Information Services support website: 2.Select the Banner link from left navigation menu. This will open the Banner Homepage. 3.To access the Banner application, you then select the Banner icon to the right of the page. 6.Once you have clicked on the Banner link, you will be brought to an Oracle Form, where a pop-up box will prompt you for your logon details. 7.Enter your logon details (username & password) and select Connect. 8.You should now see the initial Banner start-up page. 9.The InfoView application is also available from the Banner website.
Student Registration Project 77 Introduction to Banner Banner Homepage The Banner homepage is found at: This is a useful link to save in your Favourites as it holds all documentation relevant to Banner, including Training Guides, User Guides, FAQs along with important updates in relation to the Student Cycle of Events. For accessing and logging onto Banner in the future, this link will bring you there directly.
Student Registration Project 88 Introduction to Banner Main Menu The Main Menu in Banner (on the left-hand pane) comprises of a list of folders and sub folders. Within each of these folders are the Banner Forms.
Student Registration Project 99 Introduction to Banner Go to… You can access a Form by either selecting from the Main Menu list or by directly entering the Form ID in the Go to…field and selecting enter (e.g. SPAIDEN)
Student Registration Project 10 Introduction to Banner My Banner My Banner can be used to maintain a list of form ‘favourites’ for each user.
Student Registration Project 11 Introduction to Banner Toolbar, Mouse & Keyboard You can perform most Banner functions by clicking a button on the toolbar, selecting an item from a pull-down menu, or pressing equivalent keystrokes. SaveRoll- Back Select Insert Record Remove Record Previous Record Next Record Previous Block Next Block Enter Query Execute Query Cancel Query View / Send Message Print Exit
Student Registration Project 12 Introduction to Banner Toolbar, Mouse & Keyboard (cont.) To view a list of Keyboard Functions, simply select Show Keys from the Help Menu. Other Useful Keys & Shortcuts F1- Gives you details on the properties of the field your cursor is in. F6- Insert Record F6 and F4- Insert a Record and copies data held in the previous row into the new row. F7- Enter Query F8- Execute query F9- Look at Validation tables. F10- Save Control & Page Down- Next Block Control & Page Up- Previous Block Control & Q- Quit Shift & F7- Rollback Ctrl & Q- Takes you back to the previous form in Banner which you have opened. If you have no form open it will take you back to the General Menu.
Student Registration Project 13 Introduction to Banner Forms A Form in Banner is an online document where you can enter or query information in the Banner database. Most forms comprise of a ‘key block’ section at the top, where you enter the data you wish to query (e.g. Student ID and Term Code). After entering your data in the key block, you ‘next block’ into the form to view information related to the data. Data is usually is usually organised in areas known as ‘blocks’.
Student Registration Project 14 Introduction to Banner Forms A Block is a section of a form or window that contains related information. Use the Next Block function to move to the next section of a form. Use the Previous Block function to move to the previous section. Use the Rollback function to go back to the key block of the form. Auto hint The auto-hint at the bottom of the form can contain information for the field where the cursor is located such as brief field description and any error and processing messages.
Student Registration Project 15 Introduction to Banner Different Types of Forms Some forms are for querying or viewing data only. In other words it is not possible to make any updates to the data on these forms. The form SZANAVI (Student Navigator) is an example of a query-only form. Other forms do allow updates to be made. For example, if you need to update a student’s home address or contact information, updates can be made from the form SPAIDEN. Depending on the role and requirements you have, you will have certain restrictions built into your Banner user profile. This will limit the forms you can access and the data changes you can make.
Student Registration Project 16 Introduction to Banner Forms Forms which allow for data input: –Some data fields allow you to enter ad-hoc information as required. e.g. Student’s Name details (SPAIDEN) –Occasionally, you may need to enter new information by adding a new record / row. To do this, you select Record Insert from the Menu or F6 for keyboard equivalent. e.g. Creating multiple applications for the same student (SAAADMS)
Student Registration Project 17 Introduction to Banner Forms –Other data fields only accept input from a defined list of values. This list of values is usually available from a drop-down list option to the right of the data field. The keyboard equivalent is F9. e.g. County Address field (SPAIDEN) –While some data fields also give you the option to search for the preferred entry. e.g. Student ID from key block (SZANAVI SOAIDNS)
Student Registration Project 18 Introduction to Banner Querying Data On some forms, you will be able to search and query data. The most common example of this is searching for a student record on SOAIDNS. All queries in Banner are performed with the following sequence of actions: –Select F7 (to clear the existing data and enter a new Query) –Enter your data in the relevant data field(s). Note: you can also use the wildcard ‘%’ character when searching. ‘%’ is the wildcard character when performing a query and can be very effectively used if searching with a limited amount of information. e.g. enter D10% & Last Name – Mc% to search for all student IDs which begin with ‘D10’ whose last name begins with ‘Mc’). –Select F8 (to execute a query)
Student Registration Project 19 Introduction to Banner Querying Data - SOAIDNS Enter search criteria. F8 to execute query. F7 to clear data again.
Student Registration Project 20 Introduction to Banner Form Navigation Tabs – Navigate to Blocks and Forms Tabs allow navigation between blocks and related forms. Use Ctrl-Tab to move from one tab to the next or click on the required tab using the mouse. F5 – Displays the Go To… field. When in any Form, press the F5 key to display the Go To… field. Type the name of a Form or use the arrow keys to scroll through a list of recently used Forms. Press Enter to access the Form. To close the Go To… field, press F5 again. Mouse Right-Click – Displays Option Menu Select the right mouse button to display the contents of the Options menu. Use the mouse to select the required Block or Form. Note: Select Add to Personal Menu to add the active form to the My Banner folder on the Main Menu
Student Registration Project 21 Introduction to Banner QuickFlows QuickFlows in Banner are a custom developed chain of linked forms. When you enter a QuickFlow, you will be brought to the first form in the chain. Then as you finish and exit each form, you will be systematically brought to the next form in the chain. This continues until all forms in the QuickFlow have been entered. QuickFlows are used to streamline certain processes and functions. e.g. Admissions Data Entry QuickFlow – ADMT is used creating / processing student applications. SPAIDEN GOAINTL SOAHSCH SOAPCOL SAAADMS SAADCRV SGASTDN SFAREGS SZASGNT
Student Registration Project 22 Introduction to Banner SZANAVI – Student Navigator SZANAVI is a custom designed form in Banner used to query student data. It holds all registration and personal details for a student. To access, simply type SZANAVI in the Go To… menu box and hit the return key. As with all Banner forms, you will need to enter the key block information to query data. Enter Student ID and Term Code and ‘next block’ into the form.
Student Registration Project 23 Introduction to Banner SZANAVI – Student Navigator The immediate Block of information you will see is Student Personal Details. Some important information to note on Student Personal Details tab includes: Registration Status – a registered student has an RE status Programme Code Registration Date Date of Birth Full / Part Indicator Residency Code Rate Code
Student Registration Project 24 Introduction to Banner SZANAVI – Student Navigator To navigate and view information on the other Blocks / Tabs, simply click on the relevant tab (i.e. Financial Details, Address or Registration). By clicking on the Financial Details Tab and you will be able to see all financial details for that student. This includes: Account Transactions Grant details Bank account details (if applicable) The last section of the Form holds CRN details for student. This does not automatically populate. If you wish to view these, click Retrieve CRNs button on the bottom right of the screen.
Student Registration Project 25 Introduction to Banner SZANAVI – Student Navigator Financial Details Tab
Student Registration Project 26 Introduction to Banner SZANAVI – Student Navigator The Address tab holds the student’s address, telephone and email details.
Student Registration Project 27 Introduction to Banner SZANAVI – Student Navigator The final tab details other relevant Academic/Registration details such as: Admittance Code Level Code Student Type College Campus Degree Code Leaving Cert Details
Student Registration Project 28 Introduction to Banner SZANAVI – Student Navigator At the bottom of the form, you will notice the following three buttons: Email Student PIN is used to send a student a reminder email of their self- service PIN. Student Account Summary is used to quickly review a student’s financial liability. Student Details Report generates a PDF format all student details as seen on SZANAVI. This is useful if you wish to print details for your records. If you wish to review a different student’s SZANAVI record, simply rollback, enter new key block details (Student ID & Term Code) and ‘next block’ into the Form again.
Student Registration Project 29 Introduction to Banner InfoView The InfoView application is available from the Banner homepage: When you log in to InfoView you will see the Categories folder menu on the left most pane. Expand the Corporate Categories section to view the full list of report categories. Select a category appropriate to the type of report you wish to find (e.g. General Student Reports). In the main section, you should then expect to see a list of reports in the category you just selected. Note: The list of Categories, Reports and Input Parameter values may be restricted based on the type of InfoView access you have.
Student Registration Project 30 Introduction to Banner InfoView General Student Reports
Student Registration Project 31 Introduction to Banner InfoView To run a particular report, simply click on the report title (e.g. Class Listing by Programme & Year (Standard). You will then be prompted with a parameter input prompt. This is the selection query which dictates the data you wish to query from the Banner database. Enter desired parameter values and select Run Query
Student Registration Project 32 Introduction to Banner InfoView The report will take a few moment to run. When it has loaded, it will display the data as specified by your parameter input selection. You can choose to save the report as a PDF document to a local directory on your PC by choosing the save icon. Alternatively, you can choose to save the report as a csv or excel file by first choosing View in HTML format and then selecting Save to my computer as >
Student Registration Project 33 Introduction to Banner InfoView You can opt to ‘Refresh Data’ and enter a new set of parameter values if you wish to re-run the same report based on a different selection criteria. To run a different report, select the exit icon from the top right hand corner. Select a different report from the relevant category folder and run it with your preferred parameter inputs. You can exit InfoView by selecting the padlock icon.
Student Registration Project 34 Data Quality Monitor (DQM) Data Quality Monitor is an ongoing process within DIT to foster and ensure that certain guidelines and practices are adhered to in ensuring the highest standard of data quality which is correct and consistent with DIT business processes. This process also ensures the data held in the Banner Student system is accurate, absolute and consistent for the purpose of satisfying HEA returns. To support the DQM process, a number of reports were developed to assist administrative offices in isolating data errors and to review summary data. All categories of reports are available in InfoView. The reports are divided into the following sections: –Reference & Validation Reports –Summary Reports –DQM/Error Reports Introduction to Banner
Student Registration Project 35 DQM Reports Reference Reports Reference & Validation Reports have been developed to illustrate a high-level view of Programme data in Banner. They also detail those programmes which are included and excluded from HEA returns. The list of reports is as follows: –Active Programme Listing –HEA Programme Type Definitions –Programmes excluded from HEA Returns Introduction to Banner
Student Registration Project 36 DQM Reports Sample Active Programme Listing Report Introduction to Banner
Student Registration Project 37 DQM Reports Summary Reports Summary reports extract data from Banner based on either ‘provisional’ or ‘final’ HEA returns. It is therefore effectively a snapshot of summary data at a point in time contiguous with HEA reporting timeframes and deadlines. The HEA Summary reports will specify summary ‘counts’ of Students, New Entrants and Graduates. The criteria that these counts are based on are as follows: –Programme –Gender & Programme Type –Gender & ISCED code –Gender & Age –Gender & County –Gender & Domiciliary –Gender & Nationality –Gender & Postal Code –Gender & Residency Type Introduction to Banner
Student Registration Project 38 Reports DQM Reports DQM is a process whereby a wide spectrum of data inaccuracies are isolated, tracked and stored in a temporary table. This extraction process occurs daily. In supporting this extraction process, a number of DQM error reports have been developed. These have been designed specifically to extract user- specified data errors from this temporary DQM table. The full list of reports is as follows: –DQM - Data Error Codes & Descriptions –DQM - Student Data Errors Summary (by Programme) –DQM - Student Data Errors Summary (by Campus) –DQM - Student Data Errors Detail (by Programme) –DQM - Student Data Errors Detail (by Campus) DQM
Student Registration Project 39 DQM Reports Sample Student Data Errors by Programme report Introduction to Banner
Student Registration Project 40 Sample Exercises Introduction to Banner
Student Registration Project 41 Thank You! Please refer to the Banner website for further information & documentation including Training Guides, User Guides, FAQs and any new updates or important information. If you have encounter any specific functional or technical problems with Banner, please contact the Support Desk on 3123 or e-mail You may also contact for any further training related
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