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 Rick ‘n Rollercoaster Zac Barton Bryan Fly Zach Pendergrass.

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Presentation on theme: " Rick ‘n Rollercoaster Zac Barton Bryan Fly Zach Pendergrass."— Presentation transcript:

1  Rick ‘n Rollercoaster Zac Barton Bryan Fly Zach Pendergrass

2 General Info  Materials Used:  K-nex’s  Poster Board  Golf Balls  Mouse Trap  Dominos  Hemp (Twine)  Play-doh  Switch and Wire  Batteries  Lamp  Purpose  Turn on Electrical Device  Demonstrate Engineering Principles  Be complex and inefficient  Be Awesome!!

3 Physics Involved  Conservation of Linear Momentum  Collisions  Conservation of Energy  Potential Energy Converted to Kinetic Energy  Projectile Motion  Mousetrap  Ball Falling on Switch  Angular Momentum  Rotational Motor Turning Lamp  Torque  Necessary for Rotational Switch  Balls Hitting the Levers

4 The Design Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5

5 In Conclusion The Rick ‘n Rollercoaster is an extremely inefficient and complex way of turning on a lamp. It will never give you up, let you down, run around, and desert you. Make you cry, say goodbye, tell a lie, and hurt you.

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